Friday, September 22, 2017

The Worst Kind of Predators

2 Peter 2
If there was ever any question about how early Christian leaders felt about false teachers and their doctrines, the answer is found here.  Just as knowledge of the truth is the friend of spiritual life and growth, error and heresy are the death of the same. God does not call upon believers to embrace these false teachers as brethren, but to identify and point them out as dangerous. Peter tells us something about the punishment, character, and techniques of false teachers and thus he safeguards true believers from their deceptions. Such false ministers are the worst kind of predators. Just as a tiger aggressively hunts its prey, these religious hunters stalk and pursue the souls of the unsuspecting….
First, the false teachers gather among true believers and they place their erroneous teachings right alongside truth trying to pass them off as legitimate.  This they do secretly to avoid exposure.  One of the principle heresies they pander is a denial of the Lordship of Jesus Christ who redeemed all men with His own blood.  They are also very successful in their endeavors because “many shall follow their pernicious ways” and as a result the true way of righteousness has been and will be scandalized and discredited. Yes, they are not only effective hunters of men, but they are extremely successful predators who pollute the souls of those who do not follow them. One consequence is the unsaved individual rejects real Christianity along with these religious fakes. They believe the false churches, false teachers, fake preachers and false books are actual representatives of the real Christian Faith. Beloved, nothing could be farther from the truth! These are wolves and real Christians are sheep.  
What motivates these religious impostors?  Covetousness manifested by an extreme form of greed for money, and inordinate cravings of the fallen nature of men. They use their ‘teaching ministries’ to make a lucrative business of religion.  They constantly appeal to saints and sinners alike for money, offerings, contributions, and support. They are not ashamed of asking others to sacrifice or ‘sow some seeds’ while they live in absolute ridiculous wealth. They seem to attract followers by using high-sounding words filled with no meaning at all. Examine their teachings closely comparing them carefully to the Scriptures and you will see what I mean. They are saying nothing of any real consequence! Much like their claims of spiritual attainment, their messages are without reality—hypocrites. 
The judgment of these error panderers is certain as stated throughout this section of Scripture (2 Peter 2).  In fact, God’s punishment against such liars is “swift destruction.” In addition, God says their punishment will not be delayed nor is it asleep.  He will not spare, but deal with them mercilessly and thoroughly as He did before with the angels who sinned and rebelled against Him. They were cast directly down to the dark dungeons of hell for incarceration until the day they will be belched out into the lake of fire. While God’s judgment of these fakes may not be immediate, it is nevertheless certain. Do not desire nor follow their ways.
Another example of how fiercely and pitilessly Jehovah will penalize the truth offenders can be seen in his total condemnation of the entire world except Noah and his family. Remember, God did indeed judge the whole planet with a worldwide flood! This same righteous judgment of God was echoed in the days of Abraham when Sodom and Gomorrah were roundly condemned in punitive fires of retribution. In this instance God targeted specific cities and dealt with them according to their sins. Beloved, God can judge with flood, fire, and anything else He deems appropriate. God knows how to overthrow the wicked and these past episodes serve as warnings to the ungodly of all ages. These examples also assure real believers that a just and righteous God will deal with these false teachers of our time.  
God is equally skilled in delivering the tempted believer and suffering saint out of the very midst of devastating judgment.  He did so with Noah and with Lot and He will do so for the believer grieved with the sight and pervasive decadence of sin in the world.  Believers will not have to endure always with the general cultural climate of the world, nor be vexed with the lies and lifestyles of false teachers. Righteousness will be vindicated in God’s perfect timing; we do not need to worry about whether He will do this.
But how can a believer identify a false teacher?  What is typical of their errors?  Peter tells us they are carnal, unclean, rebellious, presumptuous, self-willed, and proud. Fake preachers and deceivers make much of prosperity and “blessings” in this life and world. They portray immediate benefits and gratification as the most desirable prospect. They are enslaved to their passions, corrupt to their core, rejecters of officials and authorities, arrogant and slanderous. They promote personal advantage and self-fulfillment as the truly worthwhile endeavors. As such, they are like wild animals fit for the slaughter—godless predators.  They are men and women who will perish in the corruption they orchestrated. They can rightly anticipate “the reward of unrighteousness.”
Peter tells us again of these error teachers intimate associations with the churches of the Lord. They have not only invaded good churches, but they have started their own religious organizations. Either way they are still considered “Christian” by the public and non-discerning believers. These living contradictions appeared at the fellowships and feasts of the believers.  Perhaps even at the communion table of our Lord Jesus.  Yet, they were entrenched habitual sinners whose hearts were highly trained in the craft of covetousness. These greedy deceivers along with those who follow them wish to “use” the Christian Faith to advance their businesses, secure material wealth, achieve fame and success, or sell their poisons and snake oil to the unsuspecting and naive.  They are fit to be cursed and separated from God forever.
Like Balaam money, fame and sex compelled them in their madness.  This affords us insight into their tricks of the trade or their techniques for gathering a following. Money, prosperity, wealth, extravagance, power, and success are terms and ideas they value highly. Sexual perversions of all kinds tend to characterize these assemblies and organizations. Anything from multiple wives, adulteries-wife sharing, preying on children--pedophiles, sex outside of marriage, homosexual behaviors to forbidding marriage for their priests are practiced, endorsed and encouraged. Some groups emphasize unharnessed self-indulgence and others on the opposite end of the spectrum promote extreme asceticism. While they made enticing promises, they themselves are completely void of any real hope. They take ‘giving people what they want’ to an entirely new level. In other movements abstinence from certain foods, days, and even marriage are regarded as keys to devotion or salvation itself. When they appealed to people’s fallen lower cravings with the guarantee of liberty, they themselves were enslaved in hard bondage to vices. They were and are altogether overcome with damning corruptions.
Their followers eventually experienced great disappointment, frustration, greater bondage, and disillusionment. Even though they use the Bible to support their teachings and claims, the “promises” they propagate do not come true. These false teachers seemed to prey on the ‘seekers’—those inquiring of Christ and beginning to investigate the gospel.  Some of these victims have made some decent reforms under the influence of Christianity, but have not yet trusted Christ as Lord and Savior.  But, they became entangled and overcome by the lies of the false teachers.  As a result, their end is far worst then their beginning.  They now are aware of the gospel, but have fallen prey to deceptions. Their guilt before God is compounded.  These people who had ‘cleaned up their acts’ have returned to the same lifestyle the sin nature dominates.  Much like wild dogs and hogs.  They simply follow their natural inclinations—devouring and wallowing in filth and sin. 
As you can see God says nothing good about these religious predators! I personally believe a special miracle from God is required to deliver people from these poisons and movements. Beloved, do not be fooled by these smooth talking tale tellers. What they promise always sounds too good to be true. This is because their teachings are not true. Just because they are popular, are selling books, appear on television, and have a spot on the Christian radio station does not mean they are God’s servants. Do not be fooled by their ‘success’, the size of their churches, their impressive material wealth, the number of academic degrees they possess, incredible worship centers, beauty of their cathedrals, or mega-church status! The size of a church's or a movement's following does not in anyway serve as an indication that God is involved in that movement. The New Testament is still reliable as the primary source for guidance on the Christian Faith. Also, there are still very good churches and pastors who seek to honor God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit above all else. Typically, they rely on the Scriptures, preach Christ crucified, buried, risen and coming again.  The Bible is their final authority and their mission is to take the Gospel of Peace to the entire world. True Bible teachers and preachers believe that salvation is by grace and through faith without any human efforts to earn acceptance by God. Like the Lord Jesus, they willingly sacrifice greatly to share Christ and the Gospel with the world who needs Him. Beloved, please take this warning to heart to stay away from the worst kind of predators.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Our Pursuit and Destiny

2 Peter 1
Peter, the spiritual slave and specially "sent one" of the Lord Jesus, addresses himself to fellow believers who possess the very same precious faith.  We believers have received the righteousness of God through faith in Christ as Savior and Lord.  The primary thrust of Peter’s communications is growth in the Lord through the precious Word of God.  He does not want believers to be immature, lazy, unproductive, and insecure regarding our standing before the Lord. God would have each of us compelled by a vision of maturity as our pursuit and eternal destiny. Are you passionate about growth in godliness?
Through the full personal and experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ, God’s grace and peace can be multiplied in life! This wonderfully issues into meaningful virtuous and godly lifestyles for the people of Christ. Such developments are made possible by the power and calling of a God of brilliant glory and virtue. This is our calling! He has given believers promises that exceed greatness… hope filled encouragements that are truly precious and valuable. Why? It is because they literally fuel our highest God-given dreams and enable our profound spiritually comprehensive transformation in Christ! Beloved, they enable us to share in the divine nature of God and break utterly free from the corrupting influences of this world system.
While we have been given these incredible opportunities, we believers must be zealous and diligent about maturing in the Lord and taking on the character of our gracious Lord Jesus Christ.  Such glorious qualities must be cultivated with determination and constancy thereby ensuring productivity and fruitfulness in the Lord.  For the lazy believer who fails to pursue these outstanding traits, lies spiritual blindness, and forgetfulness about one’s own salvation. A wasted life is of no benefit to the believer, nor to the glory of God.  But, for the diligent in growth there will be a certainty about their own calling and election mingled with an assurance of not falling and stumbling around in a backslidden state.  Peter gives further incentive for spiritual development to the believer grappling with his own personal growth in a painstaking manner.  As he continues, God promises a fully magnificent and marvelous entrance into the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.  What stimulating inspiration for throwing oneself into moral and spiritual growth, progress, and promotion in Christ!
Peter is obviously burdened about this matter and offers immediate help for us through his encouragements and the Word of God.  He persistently reminds us believers and painstakingly rehearses truths already well known to us. Not because he is shallow, but to illuminate the true way ahead. He is confident that his death is near; in this light, he continues to empress us all with the importance of fundamental Bible teachings to stabilizing growing believers in the faith. If Peter emphasized the critical importance of the Scriptures in the very last years of his life then we must take the Word seriously for spiritual advancement today.  
Peter assures believers that our Christian faith is not based on “cunningly devised fables.”  No, when he spoke of “the power and coming” of the Lord Jesus Christ, He spoke concrete truth just as the Old Testament prophecies did.  Peter along with James and John personally witnessed the majesty of Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. This event demonstrated His awe-inspiring power and foreshadowed His coming to the earth in outstanding power and glory.  Moses and Elijah were there to typify the OT and Rapture Saints.  The three Jewish believers were there signifying the believing Jewish population at Christ’s glorious return to the earth. This all transpired on a mountain pointing to the establishment of Christ’s eternal kingdom on earth.  Peter certified these ancient predictions with his own eyewitness account and the very Voice of Jehovah Who gave honor and glory to Christ on this same occasion. God is utterly pleased with His Son, Jesus and validates Christ in connection to these ancient prophecies regarding Messiah.
Peter further explains why these accounts are reliable and trustworthy by pointing out how the Scriptures proclaim a united message, with a common theme, because they came from one heart—The Spirit of God.  These are not “private interpretation” nor did they come from the “will of man.”  No, Scripture came from God using holy men to proclaim His pure unadulterated truth! They still point to a “day star” of hope already rising in the heart of genuine believers.  Jesus Christ will come again and receive us believers unto Himself, but until that time and no matter how dark the day, we still have a “light that shineth in a dark place.”  The Word of God lights the way and enlightens the heart providing powerful hope, brilliant insight and understanding about Christ until He finally comes for us. Yes, beloved…no matter what…Jesus is still our rock-solid hope!
The believer then therefore can count on the Book of Promises because it is “exceeding great and precious.”  As we do so we will continue to escape the corruption and darkness of this world’s system to become more and more like our Savior of glory and virtue. Beloved, maturity is our pursuit and destiny! In doing so, we answer our calling, will be assured or our election, will be fruitful and productive, and will anticipate the day we see our wonderful Savior face to face. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

This is Sooo Unfair!

1 Peter 3

Injustice is so much a part of life that we can become numb to the pains of others. Usually we do not spot injustices until they slam hard into our circumstances. Unkind, inconsiderate, or unreasonable demands at the office or at home are just a few ways it may rear its ugly head. It does not matter what the forum is, we seem to be acutely astute at detecting when someone is not following the rules or behaving according to our principles of equality and justice. Anger and fear are fairly common responses to unfairness. With this being the case, we typically protest moaning, “This is sooooo not fair!” when it happens to us. Then many of us will undertake personal efforts to level the playing field for ourselves….
The interesting thing is the Bible addresses these types of concerns in a remarkable but surprising way. Peter demonstrates that a submissive attitude is the correct approach for handling difficult relationships; this trust in God’s justice enables believers to behave in a conciliatory manner even when life is most unfair. That is correct…good and godly people are not promised “perfect” relationships, nor are we exempt from interpersonal problems. In fact, a Christ-focused lifestyle almost guarantees some difficulty in our various personal and professional interactions.  Specifically, the Apostle Peter applies the submissive-conciliatory strategy to marriage, interactions with fellow believers, and even to a society that is rather hostile to the Christian Faith. Beloved, it is through a submissive approach that we truly embrace the hope of blessing in our Lord.  The key is not to fight “fire with fire” when we encounter unfair treatment from various individuals, but rather pursue the path of peace to persevere while doing what is truly good. We can overcome hate with love, not with more hate. We can overcome fear with our trust in the equitable nature of Almighty God. Beloved, the results will be a clear conscience, great privilege, and blessing for the faithful believer.
Marriage can certainly present its own share of challenges to be sure; misunderstandings, interpersonal conflicts, chronic mistreatment, poor communication, and being unequally yoked to name a few. Yet, there is hope for wives dealing with an unsaved or wayward husband and for husbands searching for a promising way to relate to his wife.  The wife is to submit herself to her husband and live in a pure and respectful manner towards him while emphasizing authentic trust in God. By doing so she is refusing to give in to a fear of man. Employing this strategy requires stressing internal and enduring beauty over external fading attraction. In this light, God greatly values a “meek and quiet spirit” in a wife. Her influence with her husband is powerful because he can see that God is real to her and she is deeply rooted in Christ! Such women live in the same manner as Sarah who respected her husband, Abraham, exercising a personal trust in God. Such confidence in the Lord frees her of fearful living.  W. MacDonald said it well,
“They should do good and let nothing terrify them. This means that a Christian wife should fill her God-appointed role as an obedient helpmate, and not be terrified even if she must suffer the unreasonable conduct of an unbelieving husband, except, of course, when it becomes violent or life-threatening.”—Believer's Bible Commentary
Husbands should live with their wives in a manner that demonstrates their submission to God also.  The key is to love and spend time treating his wife with understanding and special consideration. This leads to exchanges in which his wife is characteristically loved, honored and respected as the “weaker vessel.” She is cherished as a partner in Christ—an equal in spiritual matters and a qualified sharer of the “grace of life.”  When a husband conducts himself in this manner with his wife, his prayer life is strengthened and unhindered. Dear husband, your wife needs attention and affection that communicates how much you value her as a special gift from God.
The fellowship of believers is positively influenced by a mutually sustained atmosphere of courtesy, compassion, and goodwill. While the opportunity to retaliate will present itself, we must not seize such occasions. Retaliation is not an option for the child of God who has been wronged or mistreated. Instead believers must choose the path of peace with zeal and resist all temptations to get even.  Believers are encouraged to do this by two wonderful facts. First, is the truth that we are called to inherit a blessing, and secondly, is God’s watchful care over the righteous. These realities give rise to hope, facilitate peace, and enable us Christians to continue to do good regardless of the mistreatment or unfair circumstances we incur.  Generally speaking people will not mistreat each other for good behavior; we find reason to hope in this principle.
The reality, however, remains that there are times when the world around us makes no sense at all. Good is persecuted and evil is praised. Believers have for centuries suffered for righteousness sake and will continue to experience such hostilities.  Beloved, it is painful how much the world outside of Jesus misunderstands us. Still the question remains, how do we cope with such prospects?  The first thing to do is understand how suffering for righteousness sake is a high privilege. Discomfort for Christ’s sake is not only acceptable but probable. Therefore, fearful and troubled hearts have no place.  Instead the Lord alone is to be set apart in the believer’s heart as the One to be respected above all else.  Christians should prepare themselves to speak clearly about their hope in Jesus Christ and give a defense for their faith in a meek and respectful manner. This enables us to continue with a good conscience and a lifestyle pleasing to Christ.  It is actually the will of God for good Christians to suffer for doing well instead of for committing evil. While believers suffering because of their Christian Faith may seem foreign to us here in the USA, I assure you it is not so in many places in the modern world. This counsel is especially meaningful and relevant to our brothers and sisters in Christ trying to survive religious persecution.
If this seems unreasonable consider the example of our great Savior! Our Lord Jesus illustrated this kind of submission when he gave Himself as the atoning, substitutionary, reconciling, all-sufficient sacrifice for sin to bring us sinners to God. The Lord Jesus did not deserve to be treated the way He was, yet He submitted to it as the Father's will and for the cause of our redemption. This same Christ is now raised, ascended, exalted in heaven, and reigning at the Father’s right hand.  His sufferings resulted in glory and blessing! The same is true for saints who endure the pains of an unfair world with a good conscience in pursuit of righteousness.
The Lord Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, also endured harshness in the days of Noah while the ark was being prepared. It was Christ Who empowered Noah to continue to do good and right in the face of cruel mocking, ridicule, and opposition.  Beloved, the result was eight precious souls saved through the flood while the rest of the entire world perished in the great deluge-judgment.  Believers must likewise continue to do right and sustain a good conscience no matter what consequences lay ahead.  The result will be blessing and honor for persistence in righteousness in the face of unfairness and mistreatment.  As God dealt with wicked humanity in Noah’s day, He will do so in the future; therefore, leave the matter of justice to Him. God knows how to handle such matters with proven expertise; do not fret when you are mistreated, disrespected, disadvantaged, or rejected. Yes, these are painful experiences, but take comfort in the Lord’s justice. Concentrate on doing well within marriage, relationships with other believers, and even towards a society that is hostile towards Christ and His people. God is fully aware of all that transpires in the believer’s experiences; our responsibility is to trust Him to be God. We do not need to fight fire with fire; there is no need to retaliate. It only provokes escalation and difficulty. The Lord Jesus really can handle the matter for you in His perfect timing.  

Friday, September 1, 2017

Priorities for Hard Times

1 Peter 2

Hard times are a reality to all people and no one is exempt.  Furthermore, such occasions can even become especially dangerous to a child of God.  Because of the pain, some believers fall behind in their growth, brake vital spiritual ties, and generally live in rebellion or become rather toxic in their relationships. To avert such spiritual catastrophes, Peter exhorts Christians to focus on three healthy responsibilities for all believers that will help us face these trials God’s way.  First of all he mentions spiritual growth, then he proceeds to godly associations, and then finally he deals extensively with one primary spiritual attitude in times of hardness—submission to God. Beloved, these are high priorities for hard times.

Since Peter had explained that new life begins with the Word of God, he now shows how that life is sustained and nourished by the Word.  Spiritual growth is not automatic in the spiritual realm; it requires discipline and determination regarding our internal attitudes and our external disciplines.  Like a baby desires milk, the Christian should feed his hunger for the Word consistently.  Believers must feed regularly and generously on the Bible. The Word is always a major contributor to authentic growth in Christ! Through systematic reading, study, and meditation believers will grow as we exercises ourselves in obedience to God. Yes, I believe we need to be deeply impressed with this priority and its applicability to hard times. Yes, God uses good churches, pastors, teachers, and Bible study tools to alley our growth, but He also uses difficulties, trying seasons, and painful circumstances to develop us into mature Christians.

Too often we allow the wrong kind of things to feed our souls and our hunger for the Word is filled by or with junk food.  Feelings of malice and guile along with actions of hypocrisy and evil speech can actually destroy a spiritual appetite if left unchecked. But, God wants us, through the Word, to frequently taste and recognize how gracious our Lord truly is.  The result will certainly be advancement in the Lord instead of backsliding.

Next Peter deals with the Christian’s privileged associations. One constant threat to progress in Christ is unholy relationships and the influence of godless friends. Clearly there is something defining and controlling about knowing who you are, or having a clear perspective of one’s identity.  Peter reminds believers that we are intimately associated with none other than Jesus Christ, God’s chosen and elect Stone.  We are with Him!  Through this fellowship, God communicates strength, direction, and wisdom to live in a manner consistent with being Jesus’ close associates.

Now in spite of the rejection of men, primarily Israel’s religious leaders, Jesus Christ was selected and precious to God for the construction of a new spiritual house, nation, and people of God. Christ is the foundation, pinnacle, and center of all God is building today.  Believers are associated with Him by faith and sinners stumble over Him through unbelief.  Christ is essential to God’s purposes in redemption and believers association with each other. Though we may experience harsh rejection by unsaved family members and old friends because of our stand with Jesus, we still belong to God! Like so many of you, I have felt the sting of rejection by a few loved ones and old friends, but in Christ I am never alone.

While Christians do not replace Israel in the prophetic plan of God, during this age, believers fulfill the very same role God designed for Israel. Therefore believers are described as a “spiritual house, an holy priesthood.”  This is how God spoke of Israel because they were to bear witness to this fallen world of Him. Witnessing to the grace and glory of God is our responsibility today also. We are living stones in God’s building because of faith and association with Jesus Christ the Living Stone.  We have purpose and meaning as servants of God and a collective mission as fellow priests, lively stones, “the people of God,” and a “holy nation.”  Identity and unity goes hand in hand with spiritual progress. No one can grow to maturity alone; believers need each other to fulfill God's plan individually and collectively. Identity and purpose are the benefits of healthy enthusiastic association with God and His people. Do not permit your troubles or challenges to isolate you from other faithful believers or your church home. Do not allow your circumstances to change who you truly are...You are still God's beloved child when life hurts...even when the pain is deep and pervasive. God designed these 'spiritual family relationships' to be mutually supportive and strengthening.

Not only are advancement and association important focuses for God’s people in times of struggle, but so is our heart’s attitude towards relationships outside of the family of God. In unfair and hard circumstances we can be swept away by our fallen and carnal nature if we are not on guard. Nothing challenges our faith like enduring personal injustices; such experiences stimulate the worst in us. In this light, Peter commands us to sustain a good honest testimony among the lost for the glory of God.  Beloved, insist on being godly and doing right even if the waters rise and the stars fall from the skies! We do not have to capitulate to the low life because everyone else is. God's people are further instructed to submit to the just laws of our civil government and encouraged to show proper respect to public officials and administrative authorities. We do this as submissive servants of God, and not merely to people. We live for something and someone far greater than the country we are citizens in. Peter also tells them and us to practice patient submission to God even if believers are slaves with a harsh master. The unrighteous behavior of authorities, does not negate respectful responses for genuine Christians. Does this seem unreasonable and utterly detestable to you? Actually, such counsel was executed by the Lord Jesus Himself...God is not asking you and me to do something He has not endured Himself. Beloved, this is the believer’s calling to follow the example of Christ Who did not resort to backbiting, reviling, and threats when mistreated because He had wisely deposited Himself in the care of God the righteous Judge. We must do likewise as a matter of trust in God's justice. In doing so Christ paid for our sins in order to make righteous living possible for believers.  We should no longer be marked as straying and wondering sheep, but instead those who have returned to “the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls.” Yes, much good...great good...eternal good can come out of such suffering and inequity.

Advancements in spiritual growth, enthusiastically associating with Christ and God’s people, and our attitude towards the lost people around us must be the focus of the child of God. It is difficult to remain focused when our circumstances are less then desirable, but believers must focus on these God-given priorities.  By doing so we will build consistency, deepen commitment, and shape godly character even when it hurts to press on.  Stay in the Bible, live and serve in spiritual unity with other believers, and live submissively in all other relationships. Commit the keeping of your soul to your faithful and fair-minded Father-God. These are the crucial points of focus in the good times and the bad times. So, even in hard times continue to monitor spiritual advancement, associations, and your attitudes towards authorities as fundamental concentrations. These remain viable priorities during the difficult days, months, and years.

Evangelist Wayne McCray and MaxEvangel

Evangelist Wayne McCray and MaxEvangel
Promoting Redemption, Edification & Revival

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