Saturday, August 29, 2015

But We See Jesus

Hebrews 2:5-9

Before the Fall, humanity lived in harmony with God. Then because of the Fall mankind died and has suffered greatly separated from his Creator.  Helpless and hopelessly lost in sin, all we could do is wait for God’s rescue operation.  His plan involved Christ Who stooped quite low to claim, quicken, and restore us to life with God.
Quoting from Psalm 8:4–6, the Book of Hebrews recaptures the wonder of the psalmist who has discovered man’s lost identity:
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him?  7, Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: 8, Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. (Hebrews 2:6–8)
When God created the first man and woman, He gave them dominion over His Creation (Gen. 1:26–31). David marveled that God would share His power and glory with feeble man! Humanity was created “a little lower than the angels” (and therefore inferior to them), but man was given privileges far higher than the angels. God never promised the angels that they would reign in “the world to come” (Heb. 2:5). But, how would God afford us such lofty privilege? The answer lies in Hebrews chapter two and verse nine… “But we see Jesus….”

What Was God’s Primary Intent For Mankind? (Heb. 2:5-8)

The incarnation of Jesus was necessary for the Messiah to bring about salvation. Our Lord becoming human actually points back to God original intent for Adam and humanity. Specifically it was necessary for Christ to become a man, suffer for our sins and taste death for every man. The intent is to restore humanity to it pre-Fall privileges and God’s original plan. The following passages reveal God’s intent and every believer’s identity in Jesus Christ!

A.     Explanation.  This section serves as an explanation (Heb. 2:5–18) as to how Christ, with a human body, could still be superior to angels who are spirits. Jesus Christ is not inferior because of his humanity.
1.      The fact that angels are “ministering spirits” without human bodies would seem to give them an advantage over Jesus Christ who had a human body while He ministered on earth. (Today He has a glorified body that knows no limitations.)
2.      The entire passage explains why our Lord’s humanity was neither a handicap nor a mark of inferiority.  Note how this is expressed.
a. Because Christ became human he could regain man’s lost dominion and jurisdiction (2:8-9).
b.Because Christ became human he could pioneer the way for many sons to enter glory (2:10-13).
c. Because Christ became human he could defeat Satan and deliver man from the fear of death (2:14-16).
d.Because Christ became human he could assist us as a compassionate high Priest when we are tempted (2:17-18).
B.     Exaltation. God made man in original glory, “in the image of God” (Gen. 1:27) and God gave him “dominion” (v. 28).
1.      God did not appoint angels to control the future world, this he appointed to man.  The “world to come” (2:5) is the golden age of peace and prosperity spoken of frequently by the prophets—the Millennium (Rev. 19:11-16; 20:1-9; Isa. 2:2-4; 11:4, 6, 8-9; 35:1-2; Jer. 3:7; Zech. 14:9).  Eventually dominion over the earth will be given to man, not to angels. (Wiersbe)
2.      In a sense, man is insignificant, and yet God is mindful of him. In a sense, man is unimportant, yet God does take care of him (2:6).
a. Visitest” means to look upon, to look after, to go to see (Matt. 25:36).
b.The word means “to look upon in order to help or to benefit, to look after, to have a care for.” This clearly indicates that the son of man spoken of here is the human race. God looks upon the human race in order to help or to benefit it. Thus, the picture in verses 6–8 is that of the human race in Adam. –Wuest, Kenneth S.
3.      In the grand scale of creation, man occupies a lower place than the angels (2:7). We are more limited in knowledge, mobility, and power. And we are subject to death. Yet in the purposes of God, man is destined to be crowned with glory and honor. The limitations of his body and mind will be largely removed, and he will be exalted on the earth.
a. Everything will be put under man’s authority in that coming day —the angelic hosts, the world of animals, birds, and fishes—in fact, the planetary system, and potentially every part of the created universe will be put under his control (2:8).
b.This was God’s original intention for man. He told him, for instance, to “replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth on the earth” (Gen. 1:28).
4.      This is the exaltation of humankind! In Christ, we have been lifted up to share the Son’s glory, becoming in Him so fully “sanctified” and “all of one” Father that we are called by Jesus Himself, “My brethren” (2:11–12).
C.     Humiliation. Why then don’t we see all things in subjection under him? (Heb. 2:8)
1.      We have a serious problem because it is obvious that man today is not exercising “dominion” over creation. Certainly man cannot control the fish, fowl, or animals. In fact, man has a hard time controlling himself! “But now we see not yet all things put under him” (Heb. 2:8).
a. The answer is that man lost his dominion because of his sin. The Fall shattered God’s glorious intention for mankind. 
b.Adam’s sin brought the curse on creation (Gen. 3:14-24). Docile creatures became ferocious. The ground began to bring forth thorns and thistles. Man’s control over nature was challenged and limited.
2.      Adam through his fall into sin, lost the dominion he had before enjoyed. He was no longer master of himself. He had become a fallen creature, with a totally depraved nature. He was a slave to sin. The animal kingdom was subservient to him not now through affection but fear. The ground, instead of yielding only good things, now produced also thorns, weeds, and other harmful things. Extremes of heat and cold, poisonous reptiles, earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, all conspired to make his life a constant battle to survive. He had lost the dominion over all these things. –Wuest, Kenneth S.
3.      But the Fall did not shake God’s love. Man was still God’s concern, still cared for (2:6). Therefore, Jesus stepped down to become Man, suffered death that the Father might bring “many sons unto glory” (Heb. 2:10). Becoming human was an utter humiliation for Christ!

How Did Jesus Restore Mankind To God’s Plan?

What roles did Christ play to restore man to his rightful place in God’s plan for humanity? (Heb. 2:8-9)

But we see Jesus!” (Heb. 2:9) He is God’s answer to man’s dilemma; what man forfeited, Christ recaptured and fulfilled. Jesus Christ became man that He might suffer and die for man’s sin and restore the dominion that was lost because of sin. His humanity enabled Him to regain man’s lost dominion (Wiersbe).  Let’s take a closer look at the roles of Christ in this.

A.     Christ our Replacement (Substitute) (2:9).
1.      For a little while, He was made lower than the angels, specifically, for the thirty-three years of His earthly ministry. His descent from heaven to Bethlehem, to Gethsemane, to Gabbatha, to Golgotha, and to the tomb, mark the stages in His humiliation. But now He is crowned with glory and honor. His exaltation is a result of His suffering and death; the cross led to the crown. (MacDonald)
2.      Christ became a man for the “suffering of death” as our Substitute (Heb. 9:11-15, 24-28; 1Pet. 2:24; 3:18; Isa. 53:5, 6, 8; 2Cor. 5:21).
3.      The story of the Passover lamb (Exod. 12), with 1 Cor. 5:7, illustrates the meaning of substitution as … one life given in the stead of another. “The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” God made Christ, who knew no sin, to be sin for us. Christ Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree—this is substitution. Christ died in our place, bore our sins, paid the penalty due our sins; and all this, not by force, but willingly (John 10:17, 18).
a. The idea of substitution is seen in the preposition used to describe Christ’s death: In Matt. 20:28, Christ is said to give His life a ransom for all (also 1 Tim. 2:6).
b.The use of this preposition in this manner means instead of.
4.      Substitution … means this: That something happened to Christ, and because it happened to Christ, it need not happen to us. Christ died for our sins; we need not die for them if we accept His sacrifice.
a. For further illustrations, see Gen. 22:13; God providing a ram instead of Isaac.
b.Barabbas freed and Christ bearing his cross and taking his place.—William Evans
5.      Jesus took your place on the cross. He died in your place and in my place and in the place of everyone you know. The penalty for sin is death. And we are all sinners. Unless One who was pure and righteous took our place and suffered the penalty for our sin, we would have to bear that penalty ourselves. The apostle Paul explained this in Romans 3:10–18.
B.     Christ our Representative (2:9).
1.      God’s gracious purpose was that Christ might taste death for every man. The Savior died as our Substitute and as our Representative; that is, He died for man and He died as man.
a. He bore in His body on the cross all God’s judgment against sin so that those who believe on Him will never have to bear it.
b.Just as a lawyer represents his client before the judge in court, the Lord Jesus represented all humanity at the judgment of Calvary where he suffered as a man for all men of all ages.
c. Christ died as a man. Since it was man that sinned initially, only man could pay the penalty (Heb. 10:5-10).
2.      “Jesus thought of himself in terms of a heavenly Messiah fulfilling on earth a ministry on men’s behalf which would culminate in scenes of final glory.”—The Moody Handbook of Theology
3.      Christ experienced death on the behalf of “every man” (2:9). This clearly teaches that Christ sacrifice was not limited to the elect, but sufficient for every sinner without exception (John 1:29; 12:32; 2Co 5:15; 1Ti 2:6; 1John 2:2). 
4.      Thank the Lord for our most excellent Representative, Who satisfied divine justice on behalf of all mankind.
C.     Christ our Restorer (2:8-9).
1.      Currently Christ is “crowned with glory and honour.” When the Son of Man returns to reign over the earth, man’s dominion will be restored.
a. Jesus, as Man, will restore what Adam lost, and more besides (Eph. 1:10; Acts 3:19, 21; Matt. 19:28; Rom. 8:18-23).
1.      Restoring: Returning what is lost or taken; bringing back; recovering; curing; renewing; repairing; re-establishing. –Webster’s Dictionary 1828
2.      Dispensation of the fullness of times (Eph. 1:10). This is the seventh and last of the ordered ages which condition human life on earth.  God is moving everything forward to the time when Christ will rule over all things in heaven and earth—the Kingdom Age (2Sam. 7:8-17; Luke 1:31-33). This is the fullness, through Christ, God will restore original universal unity, when all things are brought back into harmony with himself and under the leadership of Christ (1Cor. 15:24-25).
3.      The times of restitution [restoration] of all things (Acts 3:19, 21) point forward to the Millennium and not universal salvation.  This is the time when creation will be delivered from the bondage of corruption and Christ will reign in righteousness as King over all the earth.
4.      The period will be marked by all kinds of blessings and renewal (cf. Is. 11:6–10; 35:1–10; Ezek. 34:26; 44:3; Joel 2:26; Matt. 19:28; Rev. 19:1–10). –The MacArthur Study Bible
5.      Restitution of all things [Acts 3:21]—comprehending, probably, the rectification of all the disorders of the fall. –A Commentary, Critical And Explanatory, On The Old And New Testaments
6.      The times of refreshing ... from the presence of the Lord [Acts 3:19] refer to the blessings of Christ’s future kingdom on earth…. –Believer's Bible Commentary
b.Restoration. We are probably expressing the full warrant of the Scripture when we say that the reconstruction mentioned in these passages contemplates the restoration of man, under the reign of Christ, to a life in which the consequences of sin are no longer present, and that this reconstruction is to include in some measure a regeneration of both the physical and the spiritual world. –International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia
c. So while we do not see everything under man’s control at the present time, we do see Jesus, and in Him we find the key to man’s eventual rule over the earth.
1.      When our Lord was here on earth, He exercised that lost dominion. He had dominion over the fish (see Matt. 17:24–27; Luke 5:1–11; John 21:1–11), over the fowl (Luke 22:34, 60), and over the wild beasts (Mark 1:12–13), and the domesticated beasts (Mark 11:1–7).
2.      As the last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45), Jesus Christ regained man’s lost dominion. Today, everything is under His feet (Eph. 1:20–23).
2.      Man was crowned “with glory and honour” (Heb. 2:7), but he lost his crown and became the slave of sin.
a. Jesus Christ has regained that “glory and honour” (Heb. 2:9), and believers today share His kingly dominion (Rev. 1:5–6). One day, when He establishes His kingdom, we shall reign with Him in glory and honor.
b.Jesus Christ did all of this for us—for lost sinners—because of “the grace of God” (Heb. 2:9). If He had not become man, He could not have died and “taste[d] death [experienced death] for every man” (Heb. 2:9). It is true that angels cannot die; but it is also true that angels cannot save lost sinners and restore man’s lost dominion.
3.      Christ was not primarily a religious teacher, a philanthropist, an ethical example; He was all these, yea, and much more—He was first and foremost the world’s Saviour and Redeemer. Other great men have been valued for their lives; He, above all, for His death, around which God and man are reconciled. –Evans, William
 In the “world to come,” the Millennial Age, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, will rule over the entire world. This was Adam’s original purpose to rule the world for God and under God, but he forfeited this when he fell into sin. Christ will be the full realization of this glorious anticipation of the Son of Man ruling the “world to come” for God. Angels will not experience this, but God incarnate will upon His return from Heaven. Christ was made a little lower than the angels and was crowned with the glory of reigning over all of the works of God (2:5-8).
Currently though everything is not subject to Christ, the Son of Man, as King of the World. Instead Christ appeared as a man to become the sacrifice for all sin with the purpose of bringing many sons of God to glory. Through His sufferings Christ was perfectly fitted to become the Captain of believer’s salvation (Heb. 2:9, 10). No, today He is crowned with glory and honor at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Believers are His brethren and He with them are viewed as “one” (Heb. 2:11). Christ will one day lead them in the worship of God singing praises to Jehovah in the church (Heb. 2:12). Currently believers are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:20-23; 2Cor. 5:21). This too is an extraordinary expression of grace!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

A Great Sword And A Great War



THEME: The Lamb breaks the second of six seals sending God's judgments upon the earth.

And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. (Rev 6:3-4, KJV)

As we study these action-filled chapters in the Revelation, try to remember that John wrote to encourage God's people in every age of history. He was not only writing prophecy that would be fulfilled in the end times; but he was also writing great theology dramatically revealing the character of God and the principles of His kingdom. These chapters describe the cosmic conflict between God and Satan, the New Jerusalem and Babylon; and no matter what "key" we use to unlock Revelation, we cannot help but see the exalted King of kings as He vindicates His people and gives victory to His overcomers. With this in mind, let us consider closely what happens when the Lamb of God opens the Second Seal.

Bloodshed and rebellion are the features of this seal judgment. When the second seal was opened, John saw a rider on a red horse, who will bring war upon the earth. The peace of the Antichrist will prove counterfeit and temporary.

   1.  The Administrator. 
The Lord Jesus again is the Lamb who is fulfilling the role of the divine judge. Christ is infinitely qualified to break the seals on the scroll and unleash these judgments upon the earth.  Again He is qualified by His wisdom, by divine decree (Jn. 5:22, 27), by personal excellence, and by His achievement at Calvary. In addition, as the Creator He can chasten, correct, and condemn creation.

John 5:22, For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:
John 5:27, And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.

   2.  The Announcer (6:3):
The second living creature announces this judgment–this is most likely the calf like beast (Rev. 4:7).

   3.  The Action (6:4)
Antichrist's conquest begins in peace, but soon he exchanges the empty bow for a sword.

         A.  John Sees a Red Horse (6:4 a).

               1.  The Color Red Symbolizes Terror and Death.
The color red is often associated with terror and death: the red dragon (Rev 12:3), the red beast (Rev 17:3).

               2.  The Seal Pictures Great Bloodshed Through War.
Matthew 24:7, For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Its blood-red appearance speaks of the holocaust of war (Matt. 24:7). War has been a part of man's experience since Cain killed Abel, so this image would speak to believers in every age, reminding them that God is ultimately in control, even though He is not responsible for the lawless deeds of men and nations.  Some believe that this is the eastern war (Russia, her allies, and Israel) spoken of in Ezek. 38 & 39 where five sixths of the northern army will be destroyed.

         B.  John Sees a Rider with a Great Sword (6:4 b).

              1.  The Rider Is Given Power “to take peace from the earth.”
God will grant this horse and its rider the power to create worldwide war. But as horrible as this judgment is, it will be only the birth pangs, the “beginning of sorrows” of God’s wrath (Matt. 24:8; Mark 13:7, 8; Luke 21:9).

              2.  The Rider Has a “Great Sword.”
The “sword” is clearly a symbol of war.  In contrast with the first rider who has a bow without an arrow this second rider carried “a great sword.” This sword probably would have been about five feet long and would have weighed about twenty-five pounds. Strong warriors would swing it while on horseback to kill foot soldiers. This again was a picture of political power with the rider as the world ruler.

              3.  The Rider Also Brings Violent Slaughter to New Highs.
The picture here is of warfare and violent slaughter which will become commonplace worldwide.  Even multiple civil wars around the globe are probable because people will slaughter “one another.”

              4.  QUOTE: “Throughout history, conquest has led to civil war. For example, after Alexander the Great conquered the world, he died in his early thirties. For the next two hundred years, his generals fought each other in an attempt to gain superiority. The conquests of Alexander led to two centuries of civil war. In addition, Rome was nearly destroyed by a civil war in A.D. 68-69, after the death of Nero. In that one year, there were three contenders to the imperial throne. The rider on the white horse went out as a conqueror to conquer, and in his wake came warfare. The color of this horse, red, symbolizes great bloodshed upon the earth.”—Life Application Bible Commentary

APPLICATION:  This indicates clearly that methods of international agreement and diplomacy will not bring lasting peace. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the Prince of peace will bring this world real lasting peace.
Isaiah 9:6-7, For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. [7] Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Col. 1:20-21, And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. [21] And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled

2 Thes. 3:16, Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.
John 14:27, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

The Lord Jesus is the Prince of peace who will usher in an age of never ending peace because He secured spiritual peace through His cross. He is the Lord of peace giving His peace to believers who rest in His wisdom, love, and power. Complete peace (political, spiritual, and interpersonal) will only come when Christ returns. The picture in Revelation of the coming persecutions and natural disasters is gloomy, but ultimately it is cause for great joy. When the believers of that time see these events happening, they will know that Christ’s return to the earth is coming soon, and they can look forward to his future reign of justice and peace. For us today, rather than being terrified by what is happening in our world, we should confidently await Christ's return for us in the Rapture. His second advent will include political peace when He brings justice and restoration to his people. Real peace in any form whether political, spiritual, eternal is always administered through the Lord Jesus Christ.  Make Him your central focus and you too will know peace through all the turmoil life may throw at you.   

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The First Seal Is Opened: Antichrist Rises To Power



THEME:  The Lamb breaks the first of six seals, sending God's judgments upon the earth.

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. 2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. (Rev 6:1-2, KJV)

God is long-suffering, but eventually He must judge sin and vindicate His servants.

According to Dan 9:27, seven years are assigned to Israel in God's prophetic calendar.
Daniel 9:27, And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

This period begins with the signing of an agreement with the world dictator (the Antichrist), and ending with Christ's return to earth to judge evil and establish His kingdom. It is this period that is described in Rev 6-19. By referring to John's outline (Rev 1), you will see that his description is in three parts:
      — the first three and a half years (Rev 6-9),
      — the events at the middle of the period (Rev 10-14), and
      — the last three and a half years (Rev 15-19).

What is so significant about the middle of the Tribulation? That is when the Antichrist breaks his covenant with Israel and becomes their persecutor instead of their protector (Dan 9:27).

In this section, John recorded the opening of the first four seals; and as each seal was opened, one of the four living creatures summoned a rider on a horse.  In other words, events take place on earth because of the sovereign direction of God in heaven.  The horse imagery is probably related to the vision described in Zech 1:7-17.

Horses represent God's activity on earth, the forces He uses to accomplish His divine purposes. The center of His program is Israel, particularly the city of Jerusalem. (Jerusalem is mentioned thirty-nine times in Zech.) God has a covenant purpose for Israel, and that purpose will be fulfilled just as He promised. Now, let's try to identify these horses and their riders.

This lengthy section details the judgments and events of the time of tribulation (Rev.  3:10) from its beginning with the opening of the first seal (vv. 1,2) through the 7 seal, trumpet, and vial (bowl) judgments to the return of Christ to the earth to destroy the ungodly (Rev. 19:11–21).

   1.  The Administrator (6:1) “I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals”
When Christ opened the first seal on the scroll of Tribulation judgment, John saw a man on a white horse who will conquer, apparently without bloodshed. 

        A.  The Lamb is Christ.
The only one worthy to open these seals is the Lord Jesus Christ!  In Rev. 5, Christ was the only One found worthy to open the scroll —the title deed to the universe— and administer judgment.  

       B.  The Seals are Judgments.
As he breaks the 7 seals that secure the scroll, each seal unleashes a new demonstration of God’s judgment on the earth in the future Tribulation Period of seven years (Rev. 5:1; Matt. 24:3–9). These seal judgments include all the judgments to the end. The seventh seal contains the 7 trumpets; the seventh trumpet contains the 7 bowls.

   2.  The Announcer (6:1):
The first living creature announces this judgment–this is probably the lion like beast (Rev. 4:7).

        A.  The Sound of Thunder.
These "storm signals" will be repeated during the time of judgment, always proceeding from the throne and temple of God. (Rev. 4:5; 8:5; 11:19; 16:18)

        B.  The Presence of the Beautiful Beasts.
These special angelic creatures who symbolize God's creation and are related to God's covenant with Noah (Gen 9:8-17) will actually announce the judgments that Christ unleashes on the earth.  The presence of the four creatures before God's throne teaches us that He is in control of creation, and that He will keep His promise to one day deliver creation from the bondage of sin (Rom 8:19-24).  Here they demonstrate that the actions of Christ in administering judgment are in full harmony with His covenant with Noah.  They are symbols of divine integrity and faithfulness to the earthly creation.  It is also interesting to not that when the Beasts speak the attention returns to the earth and when the 24 elders speak it is in reference to things in Heaven (Rev. 7:13). 

   3.  The Action (6:2)

        A.  John Sees a White Horse (6:2 a).

              1. The Color White Could Correspond to Conquest.
The victorious Roman generals would ride a white horse before the procession of conquered peoples in ancient times.

              2.  The White Horse Symbolizes the Desire for Conquest.
The fact that this white horse and its rider precede three other horsemen who wreak havoc on the earth suggests that the white horseman might represent the lust for conquest.

APPLICATION:  When mankind has his heart set on conquest, the result is warfare, famine, and death.  This is even true in our interpersonal conflicts. James 4:2-3, Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. [3] Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

        B.  John Sees a Rider (6:2 b).
Its rider goes out to conquer with a bow in his hand and a crown on his head.

            1.  The Rider is a Counterfeit Christ.
                  — Do not confuse this scene with that described in Rev 19:11, where we see Christ riding in conquest. 
                  — The Lord Jesus Forewarned and Predicted that False Christs Would Precede His Return to Earth. Matthew 24:3-5, And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? [4] And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. [5] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
                A.  He is a Deceiver.
We would expect the Antichrist to resemble the Christ, because Antichrist is Satan's great imitation! Even the Jews (who ought to know the Scriptures) will be deceived by him (2 Thess 2:1-12;Rev. 13:14; Matt. 24:5, 24).
John 5:43, I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
2 Thes. 2:3-4, Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [4] Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
2 Thes. 2:8-10, And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: [9] Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, [10] And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

                B.  He is Wearing only One Crown.      
                      1.  The word “crown” in Rev 6:2 is stephanos, which means "the victor's crown."   This is the laurel wreath awarded to winning athletes. It “was given unto him.” Antichrist becomes king, elected by the world’s inhabitants regardless of the cost, and will conquer the entire earth in a bloodless coup.

                      2.  The crown that Jesus Christ wears is diadema, "the kingly crown" (Rev 19:12).  Antichrist could never wear the diadem, because it belongs only to the Son of God.

                C.  He is Followed by Disaster.
This rider will be followed by War (vs. 4), Pestilence (vs. 5), Death (vs. 8) and Hell (vs. 8).  The Bible consistently teach that Christ will come and establish a real world peace marked by long life and prosperity.   This obviously does not fit the prophetic sequence.

            2.  The Rider is a Diplomatic False Christ.
This great deceiver will come as a peaceful leader, holding a bow but no arrows!  This is a picture of the Antichrist (Rev. 13:1-10) as he subdues the world through peaceful deception. 1Thes. 5:3, For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

                A.  He Uses the Wrong Weapon. The “bow” is a symbol of war, but the absence of arrows implies that this victory is a bloodless one—a peace won by covenant and agreement, not by war (Dan. 9:24–27).
                B.  Our Lord's weapon is a sword; (Rev 19:15.)   Antichrist will solve the world's problems and be received as the Great liberator.  The true Christ will judge and execute war at His next advent.
                C.  Daniel states that there is a "prince that shall come," who will make a covenant with Israel to protect her from her enemies (Dan 9:26-27). In other words, the future world dictator begins his career as a peacemaker! He will go from victory to victory and finally control the whole world.

Daniel 9:26-27, And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. [27] And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

            3.  The Rider is a Conquering Anti-Christ.   

                 A.  He Has a Passion for World Conquest.
 Although the Antichrist will be the leading figure promoting “peace,” the entire world will follow him, being obsessed with pursuing this false peace.  His conquests will be secured through the vote of the world and through a universal yearning for peace.

                 B.  This is Not Jesus Christ.
There is much debate over who or what this horseman represents. Some have suggested that the rider on the white horse is actually a symbol of the "conquering Christ" who today is proclaiming the Good News of Christ and defeating the forces of evil in the world.  They see the white horse as being "good" and therefore the rider on a good mission.  Jesus is closely associated with the color white in Revelation (1:14; 6:11; 14:14).  They point to Rev 19:11 as proof, but the only similarity is the presence of a white horse. If this rider is indeed Jesus Christ, it seems strange that He should be named at the end of the book and not at the beginning!

                 C.  Jesus Christ is a Conqueror.
Certainly, there is a sense in which Jesus Christ is conquering today! 

                         1.  He releases people from the bondage of sin and Satan.
Acts 26:18, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
Col. 1:13, Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

                         2.  But this conquest began with His victory on the cross and certainly did not have to wait for the opening of a seal! We shall note later that the sequence of events in Rev 6 closely parallels the sequence given by our Lord in His Olivet discourse; and the first item mentioned is the appearance of false Christs (Matt 24:5). 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Gospel Makes A Difference!

1Thess. 1:5
Subject: Witnessing

Theme: Christians must proclaim the Gospel with the conviction that it will make a difference in the life of anyone who will repent and believe on Christ.  

For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and pin the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake. (1Thess. 1:5)

Have you ever looked at someone and wondered if it was even possible for them to be saved?  Perhaps you have thought, “I can not imagine God saving that person.”  Or maybe you can recall driving through a certain part of town and thinking, “These people REALLY NEED GOD!” The truth is the Gospel will make a difference in the lives of any repentant sinner who turns to Christ. The Gospel can have a glorious impact on any decadent society or country!   

In Paul’s day, the city of Thessalonica was the chief seaport of Macedonia near the northwest corner of the Aegean Sea. Thessalonica ranked with Corinth and Ephesus as a great shipping center.

First Thessalonians reflects the moral climate of the city. The pagan Greek religion of the largest segment of the population produced many forms of immorality but whetted the appetites of some for spiritual reality. Evidently the higher standards of Judaism attracted disillusioned Greeks, Romans, and Orientals to the synagogue.The Bible Knowledge Commentary

No matter how hideous and wicked a society may be, the miracle of regeneration will still be manifested where the gospel is preached in power.  Even though the most disgusting behavior may dominate a culture, there are still those who long for a different life, some real hope, and a sense of morality. The Gospel can still make a difference even amidst filthy and smut driven societies. I know this to be true!
Let’s take insight from Paul’s effective evangelism ministry. What happen to the Thessalonians? They Heard the Gospel Preached! What can we do to make a difference in our sin infested culture?

           I.                  PRESENT THE GOSPEL. 1Thes 1:5, For our gospel came not unto you in word only… 
A.     Use the Gospel in Witnessing to Sinners.
       1.       While it is good to emphasize heaven when witnessing, it is better to actually share the gospel.
       2.       The Gospel is still the death, burial and RESURRECTION!
               a.                          Paul defines the gospel, 1Cor. 15:1-4; Rom. 10:8-15
               b.                          1Thes 2:13, For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.
               c.                          The Gospel actually does the work in the sinner’s heart. Trust it to do so!
               d.                          The Ten Commandments could also be used to define sin, and to present God’s clear perspective of sin in contrast to humanity’s often unclear and cloudy perception of morality. Remember the Law was given to bring the sinner to Christ for salvation.
B.     Use words of explanation to clarify. 
       1.       Specify, and “teach” as you witness (Matt. 28:19).
              a.                          Word” (1Thess. 1:5) is referring to explanations of Scripture in witnessing.
                    i.                          When Paul brought the gospel message, God used those words to help the Thessalonians understand and believe.   
                   ii.                         This is exactly what the Ethiopian Eunuch needed in Acts 8:26-39.  Philip took the time and effort to patiently explain and teach the gospel.
                  iii.                       The New Age Movement has confused and integrated many Christian terms—it’s important to explain meaning.
              b.                          Caution, sinners don’t need a theological discourse, but do take the time to explain what you mean when you tell them they are a sinner, or about salvation, forgiveness, sin, guilt, substitution, and believe.
              c.                          Do not permit yourself to feel you must rush through a witnessing episode; it is with patience that we will effectively present Christ in most instances. It may take several visits, encounters, and conversations before we win them.
        2.       Make a careful, precise, and persuasive use of the Scriptures in your preaching and witnessing (Acts 17:2-4).
               a.                          Always remember that man’s eloquence and charisma are grossly inferior to the Word of God! Also bear in mind that our purpose is not to entertain or amuse, but to effectively communicate the gospel.
               b.                          Give people the message of God in clear terms free of deception and confusion (2Cor. 4:2).

Illustration:  I remember attending a revival meeting at my first church in South Carolina at the age of twelve.  I had experienced serious conviction during the first four nights of the meeting and desperately felt my need to be born again.  I had answered the altar call in the previous year’s revival desiring to be saved, but my mother examined me and encouraged me to wait until I understood better what salvation was all about.  This time upon going forward a deacon of the church dealt with me in the altar.  Among other things, he asked me if I had been “converted.”  Honestly, I did not even know what the word meant and I was too embarrassed to confess my ignorance.  So my answer to him was, “Yes, I have been converted.”  Perhaps I reasoned I was converted since I was under conviction and had come forward…. Truthfully I mislead that deacon. He had me fill out a card and told me I would be baptized the following Sunday morning.  Admittedly, I should have honestly told the man, I did not even understand his question. However, it is also true that as an altar worker, he was obligated to deal with a child thoroughly before rushing through an altar procedure.  It would be another ten years and a world of sin later before I actually trusted Christ as my Savior. For too many, they did not get another chance to hear the gospel. We need to slow down and help people understand the terms we are using while witnessing. This is especially true with children.

          II.                WITNESS IN POWER. 1Thes 1:5, For our gospel came … also in power…   
A.     Trust God to Empower Your Gospel Presentation.
            1.      The response of his converts was a supernatural work of God, not a natural response to a clearly delivered sermon. When Paul preached to them, he did not just share human opinion and philosophy (1 Cor. 2:1-5). Rather, his message was marked by the power of God (Rom. 1:16). –Walvoord, John F.
            2.      The message worked in their lives with supernatural energy, producing conviction of sin, repentance, and conversion. –MacDonald, William
B.     Expect the Gospel to work powerfully in the hearts of sinners.
             1.      Rom 1:16, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
             2.      1Co 1:18, For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
             3.      1 Cor 2:4-5, And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: 5, That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
             4.      There was great power manifested in the gospel in its leading them to break off from their sins, to abandon their idols, and to give their hearts to God … 1Cor 2:4. –Barnes' Notes
C.     Trust the Bible to Convict and Convince the Sinner.
             1.      Heb 4:12, For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
             2.      Jer 23:29, Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
             3.      Paul trusted the might of the Scriptures! He did not explain them away.

Illustration:  After being saved in Plattsburgh, NY in 1990, I immediately attempted to witness to my best friend. We both had been stationed at the air base for over three years, and we did everything together.  On this occasion we were lifting weights at the base gym, and he invited me to take in a certain movie with him that night.  I told him I would not be able to because Christ had saved me and was changing my heart about those kinds of movies. While I could not fully explain what God was doing in my heart, I knew that particular movie was not a good option. My friend was somewhat irritated by my answer and reasoning. It became apparent in his body language and gestures. Abruptly he barked at me asking, “Who has brainwashed you, Wayne?”  I told him what I had experienced in my conversion, and with my best efforts, I encouraged him to trust Christ also.  As I witnessed of God’s grace in my own life, I watched my friend literally tremble with conviction.  He had been witnessed to by others apparently and on this occasion all six feet four and 220 pounds trembled and quaked as the Spirit of God dealt with him and drove home His need to be saved.  The Gospel message is still a powerful message today!

III.             WITNESS IN THE SPIRIT. 1Thes 1:5…and in the Holy Ghost….
A.     Expect the Spirit to Enlighten and Illuminate. 
           1.      The Word combined with the power of the Holy Spirit will convince, and enlighten the listeners to help them believe on Christ for salvation. The sinner understanding the gospel is largely dependent upon the Spirit helping him understand it.
           2.      Apart from the convicting work of the Holy Spirit, no one could or would turn to Christ (see John 16:8). But with God’s blessing, the preaching and witnessing can persuade sinners to cling to the Savior.
           3.      “The Gospel was not only preached under the influence, and by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, and attended with his extraordinary gifts for the confirmation of it, … but it came by the power of the Holy Spirit to their souls, working and implanting his graces in them, as faith, hope, and love, and every other; and he himself was received along with it, as a spirit of illumination and conviction, of regeneration, conversion …”—John Gill
B.     Depend on the Spirit to Work in Concert With the Witnessing Effort.
            1.      Yielded and witnessing believers will know the power of the Spirit as they serve.
            2.      Mark 16:20, And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
            3.      Rom 15:19, Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.
            4.      The sweetest times during soul winning events are when I can sense the Spirit’s work, and am confident that He is leading me and working in the heart of the sinner I am talking to.
C.     Look to the Spirit to Convince and Convict the Sinner. 
            1.      Our message must be marked by the power of God (Rom. 1:16). The Holy Spirit brings it home to the hearts with deep conviction (John 16:8). God will work in the deep recesses of the soul convicting, persuading, refuting, and laboring like a highly skilled prosecuting attorney seeking a conviction. Without the Holy Spirit our presentation is merely a sales talk. When we witness in concert with His powerful convicting ministry, there is real potential for a genuine conversion. We must be yielded and submitted to the Holy Spirit; like the tool in the hand of a carpenter we must be pliable.
             2.      With the Holy Spirit the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. This is exactly what the Lord Jesus said the Holy Spirit would do as we labor in the gospel ministry (John 16:7–11).
D.     Trust the Spirit of the Living God to work in their hearts.
            1.      He will work in those with whom you share the Good News.
            2.      He will work in his own way and in his timing. Be a willing instrument in His hand.

Illustration: Spurgeon’s Worse Sermon
Mr. Spurgeon once preached what in his judgment was one of his poorest sermons. He stammered and floundered, and when he got through he felt that it had been a complete failure. He was greatly humiliated, and when he got home he fell on his knees and said, “Lord, God, Thou canst do something with nothing. Bless that poor sermon.”
And all through the week he uttered that prayer. He woke up in the night and prayed about it. He determined that the next Sunday he would redeem himself by preaching a great sermon. Sure enough, the next Sunday the sermon went off beautifully. At the close the people crowded about him and covered him with praise. Spurgeon went home pleased with himself, and that night he slept like a baby. But he said to himself, “I’ll watch the results of those two sermons.” What were they?
From the one that has seemed a failure he was able to trace forty-one conversions. And from that magnificent sermon he was unable to discover that a single soul was saved. The Spirit of God used the one and did not use the other. We can do nothing without the Spirit who helps our infirmities. —Christian Digest

IV.            WITNESS WITH ASSURANCE. 1Thes 1:5… and in much assurance….
A.     Have Personal Assurance in Your Own Heart When Sharing the Gospel.
            1.      If you are uncertain of the value of the Gospel, your listener will detect that also.
            2.      But, Paul witnessed with boldness and complete confidence in the message.
            3.      We need to have an inner certainty that Christ will change them as He has radically renovated you deep within.
            4.      Paul preached with a great and profound conviction of the truth. He was entirely convinced of the solution he offered humanity!
             5.      We must actually and truly believe what we proclaim to others—regarding heaven, hell, forgiveness, grace, repentance, mercy, and Jesus Christ.
B.     Promote Assurance in Others as you Share the Gospel.
             1.      Your witness should produce assurance and confidence in the lives of those who listen.
             2.      The Thessalonians accepted the Gospel with much assurance as the word of God. The result in their lives was full assurance of faith.
                 a.       The thought in “assurance” is (Col. 2:2, full persuasion), hope (Heb. 6:11), resting in faith (Heb. 10:22). Absolute confidence in Christ, (2 Tim. 1:12).
                 b.       Our Witnessing is not done when we lead someone to Christ, we must take the next step and afford them verses of assurance (Jn. 3:16, 36; 5:24; 6:35, 39, 40; 1John 3:9, 14; 4:7; 5:1, 4, 10-15).
               3.      Do not neglect your converts and allow them to struggle with doubts about their salvation.  Lead them to assurance in the Lord with the Scriptures. Remember it is the Spirit of God who affords this assurance and we only aid His work by sharing appropriate passages from the Word. Ultimately the assurance comes from God and we are simply catalysts.  

Illustration: Moody’s Favorite Verse
Dwight L. Moody’s favorite verse was Isaiah 12:2: “I will trust, and not be afraid.” He used to say: “You can travel first-class or second-class to heaven. Second class is, “What time I am afraid, I will trust.” First class is, “I will trust, and not be afraid.”” That is the better way. Why not buy a first-class ticket? (Ps 56:3). –Tan, Paul Lee: Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations

Illustration: Faraday Rested On Certainties
When that great Christian and scientist, Sir Michael Faraday, was dying, some journalists questioned him as to his speculations for a life after death. “Speculations!” said he, “I know nothing about speculations. I’m resting on certainties. “I know that my redeemer liveth,” and because He lives, I shall live also.” —Gospel Trumpet

V.               WITNESS WITH CONSISTENCY. 1Thes 1:5…ye know what manner of men we were among you....
A.     His Manner of Witnessing was Consistent with Right Living. “what manner of men”
           1.      Lifestyle must be consistent with the message.
              a.       Not only did Paul and his ministry team preach a convincing message, but they also lived lives consistent with that message.
              b.       Paul understood how his own conduct must preach the gospel, by living a consistent life. The best sermon is a holy life.
             2.      Lifestyle should confirm the message. Paul’s entire conduct confirmed his preaching. If we have a good testimony it commends Christ to others!

Illustration: Amazing Grace
On one occasion John Vassar, the great soulwinner, was going from house to house distributing tracts and talking with people about their souls. One woman who heard about this strange man and what he was doing said: “If he comes to my house, he will get the door slammed in his face.”
Without knowing that this woman had made such a statement, Mr. Vassar rang her doorbell the next day. When she saw that he was the man who had been described to her, she slammed the door in his face. John Vassar sat down on her doorstep and sang:
But drops of grief can ne’er repay
The debt of love I owe,
Here, Lord, I give myself away;
’Tis all that I can do.
The woman heard the earnest verse as he sang and was convicted a sinner. She opened the door and called Mr. Vassar in, who led her to Jesus Christ. —Covenant Weekly

B.     His Motive for Witnessing was Consistent with Right Living. for your sake”
            1.      The Thessalonians were fully aware that their preachers’ motive was to benefit them. Paul was not in evangelism for himself, the numbers, the prestige, a larger church, the possible income, the distinction, nor the recognition—pride.
             2.      This was for them—“for your sake”—‘in order to win you.’ This is a strong, motive for holy living—to win those who are non-Christians (Col 4:5; 1Co 9:19–23).
             3.      I believe God will use one who is entirely surrendered to evangelism!  We look in the Bible for the greatest heroes of the faith, but in essence the best evangelists should be serving today!  We have the Indwelling Spirit, more understanding, the complete Scriptures, and many other technological advantages. Clearly we can live like we really mean business with God regarding evangelism!
              4.      Paul preached the gospel of the grace of God and these Macedonians were saved. From their belief beautiful lives had begun to blossom.
               5.      The new converts had been firmly grounded in core truth. A new view of reality, penetrating beyond the mists of illusion and empty human reasoning to the Person who made the universe for His own good and loving purposes, literally revolutionized the lives of first-century people.—Richards, Larry ; Richards, Lawrence O.: The Teacher's Commentary

If we will preach the Gospel in power, in the Spirit, with much assurance coupled with a consistent lifestyle; it will make a difference in our culture. Make no mistake about this…this is what our country and every country on the planet needs. We need Jesus Christ. He is the singular answer! We may employ every strategy known to man to deliver a crystal clear message of the hope available in Jesus Christ in our decadent society. Beloved, do all you can to share Christ’s hope in as many ways as you can with others.  

Illustration: Wesley And The Robber
As John Wesley rode across Hounslow Heath late one night, singing a favorite hymn, he was startled by a fierce voice shouting, “Halt,” while a firm hand seized the horse’s bridle. Then the man demanded, “Your money or your life.”
Wesley obediently emptied his pockets of the few coins they contained and invited the robber to examine his saddlebags which were filled with books. Disappointed at the result, the robber was turning away when Mr. Wesley cried, “Stop! I have something more to give you.”
The robber, wondering at this strange call, turned back. Then Mr. Wesley, bending down toward him, said in solemn tones, “My friend, you may live to regret this sort of a life in which you are engaged. If you ever do, I beseech you to remember this, “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin.””
The robber hurried silently away, and the man of God rode along, praying in his heart that the word spoken might be fixed in the robber’s conscience.
Years later, at the close of a Sunday evening service, the people streamed from the large building with many lingering around the doors to see the aged preacher, who was John Wesley.
A stranger stepped forward and earnestly begged to speak with Mr. Wesley. What a surprise to find that this was the robber of Hounslow Heath, now a well-to-do tradesman in the city, but better still, a child of God! The words spoken that night long ago had been used of God in his conversion.
Raising the hand of Mr. Wesley to his lips, he affectionately kissed it and said in tones of deep emotion, “To you, dear sir, I owe it all.”
“Nay, nay, my friend,” replied Mr. Wesley softly, “not to me, but to the precious blood of Christ which cleanseth us from all sin.” –Tan, Paul Lee: Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations

Be not discouraged, the gospel still works, keep sharing it in faith! Concentrate on the sowing and leave the results with God.  He must give the increase!  Remember God still saves the hard cases, the difficult sinners to reach, even people involved with other religions and cultic practices.  Beloved, accept this truth: the gospel still makes a difference.

Evangelist Wayne McCray and MaxEvangel

Evangelist Wayne McCray and MaxEvangel
Promoting Redemption, Edification & Revival

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