Friday, September 1, 2017

Priorities for Hard Times

1 Peter 2

Hard times are a reality to all people and no one is exempt.  Furthermore, such occasions can even become especially dangerous to a child of God.  Because of the pain, some believers fall behind in their growth, brake vital spiritual ties, and generally live in rebellion or become rather toxic in their relationships. To avert such spiritual catastrophes, Peter exhorts Christians to focus on three healthy responsibilities for all believers that will help us face these trials God’s way.  First of all he mentions spiritual growth, then he proceeds to godly associations, and then finally he deals extensively with one primary spiritual attitude in times of hardness—submission to God. Beloved, these are high priorities for hard times.

Since Peter had explained that new life begins with the Word of God, he now shows how that life is sustained and nourished by the Word.  Spiritual growth is not automatic in the spiritual realm; it requires discipline and determination regarding our internal attitudes and our external disciplines.  Like a baby desires milk, the Christian should feed his hunger for the Word consistently.  Believers must feed regularly and generously on the Bible. The Word is always a major contributor to authentic growth in Christ! Through systematic reading, study, and meditation believers will grow as we exercises ourselves in obedience to God. Yes, I believe we need to be deeply impressed with this priority and its applicability to hard times. Yes, God uses good churches, pastors, teachers, and Bible study tools to alley our growth, but He also uses difficulties, trying seasons, and painful circumstances to develop us into mature Christians.

Too often we allow the wrong kind of things to feed our souls and our hunger for the Word is filled by or with junk food.  Feelings of malice and guile along with actions of hypocrisy and evil speech can actually destroy a spiritual appetite if left unchecked. But, God wants us, through the Word, to frequently taste and recognize how gracious our Lord truly is.  The result will certainly be advancement in the Lord instead of backsliding.

Next Peter deals with the Christian’s privileged associations. One constant threat to progress in Christ is unholy relationships and the influence of godless friends. Clearly there is something defining and controlling about knowing who you are, or having a clear perspective of one’s identity.  Peter reminds believers that we are intimately associated with none other than Jesus Christ, God’s chosen and elect Stone.  We are with Him!  Through this fellowship, God communicates strength, direction, and wisdom to live in a manner consistent with being Jesus’ close associates.

Now in spite of the rejection of men, primarily Israel’s religious leaders, Jesus Christ was selected and precious to God for the construction of a new spiritual house, nation, and people of God. Christ is the foundation, pinnacle, and center of all God is building today.  Believers are associated with Him by faith and sinners stumble over Him through unbelief.  Christ is essential to God’s purposes in redemption and believers association with each other. Though we may experience harsh rejection by unsaved family members and old friends because of our stand with Jesus, we still belong to God! Like so many of you, I have felt the sting of rejection by a few loved ones and old friends, but in Christ I am never alone.

While Christians do not replace Israel in the prophetic plan of God, during this age, believers fulfill the very same role God designed for Israel. Therefore believers are described as a “spiritual house, an holy priesthood.”  This is how God spoke of Israel because they were to bear witness to this fallen world of Him. Witnessing to the grace and glory of God is our responsibility today also. We are living stones in God’s building because of faith and association with Jesus Christ the Living Stone.  We have purpose and meaning as servants of God and a collective mission as fellow priests, lively stones, “the people of God,” and a “holy nation.”  Identity and unity goes hand in hand with spiritual progress. No one can grow to maturity alone; believers need each other to fulfill God's plan individually and collectively. Identity and purpose are the benefits of healthy enthusiastic association with God and His people. Do not permit your troubles or challenges to isolate you from other faithful believers or your church home. Do not allow your circumstances to change who you truly are...You are still God's beloved child when life hurts...even when the pain is deep and pervasive. God designed these 'spiritual family relationships' to be mutually supportive and strengthening.

Not only are advancement and association important focuses for God’s people in times of struggle, but so is our heart’s attitude towards relationships outside of the family of God. In unfair and hard circumstances we can be swept away by our fallen and carnal nature if we are not on guard. Nothing challenges our faith like enduring personal injustices; such experiences stimulate the worst in us. In this light, Peter commands us to sustain a good honest testimony among the lost for the glory of God.  Beloved, insist on being godly and doing right even if the waters rise and the stars fall from the skies! We do not have to capitulate to the low life because everyone else is. God's people are further instructed to submit to the just laws of our civil government and encouraged to show proper respect to public officials and administrative authorities. We do this as submissive servants of God, and not merely to people. We live for something and someone far greater than the country we are citizens in. Peter also tells them and us to practice patient submission to God even if believers are slaves with a harsh master. The unrighteous behavior of authorities, does not negate respectful responses for genuine Christians. Does this seem unreasonable and utterly detestable to you? Actually, such counsel was executed by the Lord Jesus Himself...God is not asking you and me to do something He has not endured Himself. Beloved, this is the believer’s calling to follow the example of Christ Who did not resort to backbiting, reviling, and threats when mistreated because He had wisely deposited Himself in the care of God the righteous Judge. We must do likewise as a matter of trust in God's justice. In doing so Christ paid for our sins in order to make righteous living possible for believers.  We should no longer be marked as straying and wondering sheep, but instead those who have returned to “the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls.” Yes, much good...great good...eternal good can come out of such suffering and inequity.

Advancements in spiritual growth, enthusiastically associating with Christ and God’s people, and our attitude towards the lost people around us must be the focus of the child of God. It is difficult to remain focused when our circumstances are less then desirable, but believers must focus on these God-given priorities.  By doing so we will build consistency, deepen commitment, and shape godly character even when it hurts to press on.  Stay in the Bible, live and serve in spiritual unity with other believers, and live submissively in all other relationships. Commit the keeping of your soul to your faithful and fair-minded Father-God. These are the crucial points of focus in the good times and the bad times. So, even in hard times continue to monitor spiritual advancement, associations, and your attitudes towards authorities as fundamental concentrations. These remain viable priorities during the difficult days, months, and years.


  1. Too often we allow the wrong kind of things to feed our souls and our hunger for the Word is filled by or with junk food. Feelings of malice and guile along with actions of hypocrisy and evil speech can actually destroy a spiritual appetite if left unchecked. But, God wants us, through the Word, to frequently taste and recognize how gracious our Lord truly is. The result will certainly be advancement in the Lord instead of backsliding.

    #Grace #HardTimes #Justice #Priorities #Commitment #Growth #Pain #Suffering #Injustice #Submission #MaxEvangel

  2. Too often we allow the wrong kind of things to feed our souls and our hunger for the Word is filled by or with junk food. Feelings of malice and guile along with actions of hypocrisy and evil speech can actually destroy a spiritual appetite if left unchecked. But, God wants us, through the Word, to frequently taste and recognize how gracious our Lord truly is. The result will certainly be advancement in the Lord instead of backsliding.

    #Grace #HardTimes #Justice #Priorities #Commitment #Growth #Pain #Suffering #Injustice #Submission #MaxEvangel

  3. Nothing challenges our faith like enduring personal injustices; such experiences stimulate the worst in us. In this light, Peter commands us to sustain a good honest testimony among the lost for the glory of God. Beloved, insist on being godly and doing right even if the waters rise and the stars fall from the skies! We do not have to capitulate to the low life because everyone else is.

    #Grace #HardTimes #Justice #Priorities #Commitment #Growth #Pain #Suffering #Injustice #Submission #MaxEvangel


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