I realize that I run the risk of being misunderstood; nevertheless, I wish to state my
position. I am more interested in Jesus Christ than I am in the Anti-Christ, politics, or mere religion. I
understand the applicable prophecies, the political climate, and the state of America, but I also understand the Great
Commission of our Lord. As true Americans we hold to and believe in the freedom
of religion. Our culture is pluralistic whether we like it or not. No matter what a belief system may involve as
long as it does not promote the hurt of others it is acceptable or tolerated in American
society. Americans afford the right to worship and religious freedom to all
Americans. At the same time we Christians believe there is One God and One Way
to have a relationship with Him. Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth, and Life and absolutely
no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:1-7). This is a decision of faith,
a conscience choice to believe God and the biblical record. While we desire for
all men to be saved, we also afford men the freedom to worship according to
their conscience. The Lord Jesus would not coerce the beliefs of another, nor
would He engage in religious oppression.
All religions are created equal, and all of them are equally
bankrupt—completely and categorically empty! However, the Christian Faith is no
religion. It is a vital relationship with God through Faith in Jesus Christ who
died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day. That is the gospel
hope for all humanity, but only genuine believers have a real relationship with
God. Again as Americans we afford the
freedom to worship to all Americans, but as Christians we acknowledge only One
true Faith and One Living Triune God. Remember, America has an undeniable
heritage rooted in Christian principles, but today she is very pluralistic.
Freedom of religion means something different today than it meant 200 plus
years ago. Our task is to take the gospel to Americans who know not the Savior.
Let us never forget this important design of our Savior Jesus Christ. While we
are taking the gospel to our country, let us also take it to our world. Christ
would be pleased with that!
The fact that the Christian Faith
is being subdued, censored, muffled, and largely misrepresented in the media
and public square cannot be denied. The fact that every other religion,
especially Islam, is given a voice, amplification, and a free pass is not only
evidence of inequity but the influence of Satan in our country. It is
absolutely true we cannot compromise nor regard these religions as equals to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Tolerance and coexistence, in our country at least,
seems to mean Christians shut up and let every other religion speak up. This
too is driven by the wicked one, Satan. Let us remember, that our battle is not
with people, but with Satan, his lies, and the wickedness he promotes (Eph.
6:10-20). All human beings are ‘potential’ believers, they are among the “every
creatures” we are to proclaim the gospel to (Mark 16:15). While we must never
ever compromise with false religions of any kind (Rom. 16:17-20), we must
discern a way to reach people trapped in these false systems of worship to be
obedient to Christ our Lord (Matt. 28:18-20). We must find a way to reach
people of other religions here in America. May God give us the grace, power,
wisdom, and love of Christ to do so.
We must never forget that the Savior and Lord we love so much, died for
every sinner. Sinners of other religions, sinners of other worldviews, sinners
of other philosophies, and sinners who are currently sold out to Satan are
among those Christ desires to save. Also remember our God is so great that He
deserves the worship and praise of EVERY CREATURE; it is our job to point them
to Christ Jesus with our lips, literature, and lifestyle. Christ desires to
save all who will repent and believe the Gospel.
Our battle is not with people, but with Satan, his lies, and the wickedness he promotes (Eph. 6:10-20). All human beings are ‘potential’ believers, they are among the “every creatures” we are to proclaim the gospel to (Mark 16:15). While we must never ever compromise with false religions of any kind (Rom. 16:17-20), we must discern a way to reach people trapped in these false systems of worship to be obedient to Christ our Lord (Matt. 28:18-20).
#Tolerance #Christ #Gospel #Faith #Religions #Satan #Compromise #Jesus
Our battle is not with people, but with Satan, his lies, and the wickedness he promotes (Eph. 6:10-20). All human beings are ‘potential’ believers, they are among the “every creatures” we are to proclaim the gospel to (Mark 16:15). While we must never ever compromise with false religions of any kind (Rom. 16:17-20), we must discern a way to reach people trapped in these false systems of worship to be obedient to Christ our Lord (Matt. 28:18-20).
#Tolerance #Christ #Gospel #Faith #Religions #Satan #Compromise #Jesus