Monday, July 14, 2014

Standing Firmly Against Homosexuality, Part 2

This article is a continuation of the first and previous one bearing this same title. After looking at the medical and scientific reasons for rejecting homosexual behavior, let us now consider some national and biblical reasons.
The National Reasons
Secondly, Evangelical Christians should reject homosexual behavior for national reasons. Homosexual behavior places children at risk.  The protection of our youth and young men from this aberrant lifestyle, sexual abuses, and violent rape by homosexuals is the mandate ( Legally and socially sanctioning homosexual practices can only result in our children becoming more vulnerable to those who prey on them. Homosexual literature already promotes preying on young boys! “Approximately one in twelve adults seen by sexual assault services are men” (
Homosexual practices will drive up medical costs nationally. One way to reduce medical insurance cost is to reduce medical risks. Conversely increase risk drives up medical cost. Homosexual behavior is high risk for AIDS and other STDs; thus driving the cost of medical premiums upward for the average American. 
Homosexual activity transmits HIV and STDs throughout the country. With the increase of homosexual practices there will be an increase in the vulnerability of the American population to HIV/AIDS and STDs. This could lead to a national AIDS crisis ( /hiv/statistics /basics /ataglance.html). The prevalence of HIV and the vulnerability to contracting HIV is a grave problem on the continent of Africa because of homosexual behavior. An AIDS infected population can dramatically slow economic and social progress. Potentially it will negatively impact the growth, development, education, and employment opportunities in every facet of the country.
Biblical Reasons
Thirdly, Evangelical Christians should reject homosexual behavior for biblical reasons. God’s Word irrefutably condemns this behavior in the Old  Testament. This is part of the reason the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed directly by God (Genesis 19:4-5-12-13). The Law of God prohibited and condemned homosexual behavior for the nation of Israel (Lev.18:22-30; 20:13).
God’s Word explicitly and consistently condemns this behavior in the New Testament (1 Cor. 6:9-11; 1Tim. 1:10; 2 Peter 2:6-9; Jude 1:7)
God’s Word clearly condemns this behavior whether practiced by men or women (Romans 1:24, 26-27; McDonald & Farstad, 1995). Homosexual behavior is an unnatural rebellion against the Creator! The rejection of homosexual practices is not merely Christian intolerance. The standard is divine and not social, political, or personal. God’s standard promotes human welfare and wellbeing, but homosexual practices are destructive on multiple levels. Homosexual practices are wrong because they are violations of the design and purpose of God for human relationships.
“God values monogamous, heterosexual marriage (Gen. 2:22-24),” reproduction within that marriage covenant (Gen. 1:22-28), and heterosexual family life (Psalm 127) (Alban (2012), p. 562, 563).
Applying Our Reasons to Objections
Forthly, Evangelical Christians must wisely respond to objections, and articulate this position with truth and compassion.
Objection #1: The Bible does not condemn loving monogamous homosexual and lesbian relationships (Wood & Marshall, 1995). The Bible consistently characterizes homosexual and lesbian behavior as immoral and sternly forbids them. Research demonstrates that homosexuals generally do not maintain monogamy beyond five years—65% are promiscuous. In addition, monogamous homosexuals engage in sexual acts of greater risk for HIV and STDs (Frank Truek).
Objection #2: The field of psychology does not condemn homosexual conduct nor view it as deviant behavior. This is because they were bullied by homosexual activists, lobbyists, and political correctness. The APA’s change was not based on a preponderance of evidence, or groundbraking clinical research. The new notion of sexual identity, later sexual preference, and now sexual orientation, has pervasively shaped the current cultural debate. Indeed this was the ideological wedge used to force the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders in 1973. It is still the most effective tactical concept employed in the debate (Hindson & Caner, 2008, p. 270). Dr. Stan Jones, Provost, and Professor of Psychology at Wheaton College has conducted extensive study into the scientific basis for homosexuality and he found the evidence weak and inconclusive.
Objection #3: Homosexual Americans, as a “third sex” have a right to conduct themselves accordingly, and the freedom to intimately engage others. “Homosexual activists groups are pressing for homosexual men and lesbians to be identified as a special class with special protections under civil rights legislation” (Hindson & Caner, 2008, p. 268-272). But sexual orientation does not qualify as a civil rights issue; it is a ‘special rights’ issue that actually undermines the US Constitution.
Objections #4: Bible references to homosexual behavior are related to idolatry (religious sex slaves), male prostitution, and false worship and are limited to these alone. The Bible says nothing specifically about the homosexual condition …, but its condemnations of homosexual conduct are explicit (Wood & Marshall, 1995). Homosexual behavior is prohibited in Scripture (Lev. 20:13) and was a major cause of the divine judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:4–5, 12–13). The apostle Paul listed homosexuals among “the unrighteous” who would not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9), and declared that God’s wrath stands against such behavior, whether practiced by men or women (Rom. 1:26–27) (Youngblood, Bruce, & Harrison, 1995).
Beloved, the course of action we must take is transparently clear. For medical, national, and biblical reasons Evangelical Christians should not embrace, remain ambivalent, justify, or continue silently about homosexual behavior and its accompanying consequences.  
Evangelical Christians should unitedly and uniformly reject homosexual behavior for medical, national, and biblical reasons. I am calling on Evangelical Christians to adopt this position, to actively oppose homosexual behavior with wisdom and compassion, and to share the hope of Christ with homosexuals and lesbians that they may be forgiven, cleansed, and freed by the grace of God. First Corinthians 6:9-11 teaches that God will save repentant homosexuals and lesbians. Share this message with them that they may be saved. Also get informed on this subject as a defense against the fallacious propaganda passed off in many of the mainstream media outlets. Read Dr. Stanton L. Jones’ books Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church’s Moral Debate and God’s Design for Sex book series. Visit reliable websites like America for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH), and Gay Christian Movement Watch, and D. L. Foster who are upholding biblical standards of sexuality ( If your children are in the public education system, inquire into what they are taught about homosexual practices. Follow through by having a biblical conversation with your young people about how God views homosexual practices.  
The sexual revolutions, the liberal media, and hyper-political correctness are influencing Americans to view homosexual behavior in a positive light. This cannot be true of Evangelical Christians; we must be guided by the truth. It is only with the truth that we can reach out to the homosexual with love to lead them to Christ and out of the homosexual lifestyle. 


  1. The sexual revolutions, the liberal media, and hyper-political correctness are influencing Americans to view homosexual behavior in a positive light. This cannot be true of Evangelical Christians; we must be guided by the truth. It is only with the truth that we can reach out to the homosexual with love to lead them to Christ and out of the homosexual lifestyle.

    #Truth #Love #Evangelism #Hope #Forgiveness #Jesus #Salvation #MaxEvangel

  2. Homosexual behavior places children at risk. The protection of our youth and young men from this aberrant lifestyle, sexual abuses, and violent rape by homosexuals is the mandate ( Legally and socially sanctioning homosexual practices can only result in our children becoming more vulnerable to those who prey on them. Homosexual literature already promotes preying on young boys! “Approximately one in twelve adults seen by sexual assault services are men” (

    #Truth #Love #Evangelism #Hope #Forgiveness #Jesus #Salvation #MaxEvangel


Evangelist Wayne McCray and MaxEvangel

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