1Thess. 1:5
Subject: Witnessing
Theme: Christians must proclaim the Gospel with the
conviction that it will make a difference in the life of anyone who will repent
and believe on Christ.
For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power,
and pin the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what
manner of men we were among you for your sake. (1Thess. 1:5)
you ever looked at someone and wondered if it was even possible for them to be
saved? Perhaps you have thought, “I can not imagine God saving that person.” Or maybe you can recall driving through a
certain part of town and thinking, “These
people REALLY NEED GOD!” The truth
is the Gospel will make a difference in the lives of any repentant
sinner who turns to Christ. The Gospel can have a glorious impact on any decadent society or country!
Paul’s day, the city of Thessalonica was the chief seaport of Macedonia near
the northwest corner of the Aegean Sea. Thessalonica ranked with Corinth and
Ephesus as a great shipping center.
First Thessalonians reflects the moral climate of the
city. The pagan Greek religion of the largest segment of the population
produced many forms of immorality but whetted the appetites of some for
spiritual reality. Evidently the higher standards of Judaism attracted
disillusioned Greeks, Romans, and Orientals to the synagogue. –The Bible Knowledge Commentary
matter how hideous and wicked a society may be, the miracle of regeneration
will still be manifested where the gospel is preached in power. Even though the most disgusting behavior may
dominate a culture, there are still those who long for a different life, some
real hope, and a sense of morality. The Gospel can still make a difference even
amidst filthy and smut driven societies. I know this to be true!
take insight from Paul’s effective evangelism ministry. What happen to the
Thessalonians? They Heard the Gospel Preached! What can we do to make a
difference in our sin infested culture?
1:5, For our gospel came not unto you
in word only…
A. Use the
Gospel in Witnessing to Sinners.
While it is good
to emphasize heaven when witnessing, it is better to actually share the gospel.
The Gospel is
still the death, burial and RESURRECTION!
Paul defines the
gospel, 1Cor. 15:1-4; Rom. 10:8-15
1Thes 2:13, For
this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the
word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as
it is in truth, the word of God, which
effectually worketh also in you that believe.
The Gospel actually
does the work in the sinner’s heart. Trust it to do so!
The Ten
Commandments could also be used to define sin, and to present God’s clear
perspective of sin in contrast to humanity’s often unclear and cloudy
perception of morality. Remember the Law was given to bring the sinner to
Christ for salvation.
B. Use words of
explanation to clarify.
Specify, and
“teach” as you witness (Matt. 28:19).
“Word” (1Thess. 1:5) is referring to explanations of Scripture in witnessing.
When Paul brought
the gospel message, God used those words to help the Thessalonians understand and
This is exactly
what the Ethiopian Eunuch needed in Acts 8:26-39. Philip took the time and effort to patiently
explain and teach the gospel.
The New Age
Movement has confused and integrated many Christian terms—it’s important to
explain meaning.
Caution, sinners
don’t need a theological discourse, but do take the time to explain what you
mean when you tell them they are a sinner, or about salvation, forgiveness,
sin, guilt, substitution, and believe.
Do not permit
yourself to feel you must rush through a witnessing episode; it is with
patience that we will effectively present Christ in most instances. It may take
several visits, encounters, and conversations before we win them.
Make a careful,
precise, and persuasive use of the Scriptures in your preaching and witnessing
(Acts 17:2-4).
Always remember
that man’s eloquence and charisma are grossly inferior to the Word of God! Also
bear in mind that our purpose is not to entertain or amuse, but to effectively
communicate the gospel.
Give people the
message of God in clear terms free of deception and confusion (2Cor. 4:2).

POWER. 1Thes
1:5, For our gospel came … also in
Trust God to Empower Your Gospel Presentation.
The response of his converts was a supernatural work
of God, not a natural response to a clearly delivered sermon. When Paul
preached to them, he did not just share human opinion and philosophy (1 Cor.
2:1-5). Rather, his message was marked by the power of God (Rom. 1:16). –Walvoord, John F.
The message worked in their lives with supernatural
energy, producing conviction of sin, repentance, and conversion. –MacDonald, William
Expect the Gospel to work powerfully in the hearts of
Rom 1:16, For I
am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:
for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to
the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
1:18, For the preaching of the cross is
to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Cor 2:4-5, And
my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of
power: 5, That your faith should not
stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
There was great power manifested in the gospel in its
leading them to break off from their sins, to abandon their idols, and to give
their hearts to God … 1Cor 2:4.
–Barnes' Notes
Trust the Bible to Convict and Convince the Sinner.
Heb 4:12, For the word of God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of
soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Jer 23:29, Is not
my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and
like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
Paul trusted the might of the Scriptures! He did not
explain them away.
Illustration: After being
saved in Plattsburgh, NY in 1990, I immediately attempted to witness to my best
friend. We both had been stationed at the air base for over three years, and we
did everything together. On this
occasion we were lifting weights at the base gym, and he invited me to take in
a certain movie with him that night. I
told him I would not be able to because Christ had saved me and was changing my
heart about those kinds of movies. While I could not fully explain what God was
doing in my heart, I knew that particular movie was not a good option. My
friend was somewhat irritated by my answer and reasoning. It became apparent in
his body language and gestures. Abruptly he barked at me asking, “Who has
brainwashed you, Wayne?” I told him what
I had experienced in my conversion, and with my best efforts, I encouraged him
to trust Christ also. As I witnessed of
God’s grace in my own life, I watched my friend literally tremble with
conviction. He had been witnessed to by
others apparently and on this occasion all six feet four and 220 pounds
trembled and quaked as the Spirit of God dealt with him and drove home His need
to be saved. The Gospel message is still
a powerful message today!
THE SPIRIT. 1Thes 1:5…and in the
Holy Ghost….
A. Expect the
Spirit to Enlighten and Illuminate.
The Word combined
with the power of the Holy Spirit will convince, and enlighten the listeners to
help them believe on Christ for salvation. The sinner understanding the gospel
is largely dependent upon the Spirit helping him understand it.
Apart from the
convicting work of the Holy Spirit, no one could or would turn to Christ (see
John 16:8). But with God’s blessing, the preaching and witnessing can persuade
sinners to cling to the Savior.
“The Gospel was not only preached under the influence,
and by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, and attended with his extraordinary
gifts for the confirmation of it, … but it came by the power of the Holy Spirit
to their souls, working and implanting his graces in them, as faith, hope, and
love, and every other; and he himself was received along with it, as a spirit
of illumination and conviction, of regeneration, conversion …”—John Gill
Depend on the Spirit to Work in Concert With the
Witnessing Effort.
Yielded and
witnessing believers will know the power of the Spirit as they serve.
Mark 16:20, And
they went forth, and preached every where, the
Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
Rom 15:19,
Through mighty signs and wonders, by the
power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto
Illyricum, I have fully preached the
gospel of Christ.
The sweetest
times during soul winning events are when I can sense the Spirit’s work, and am
confident that He is leading me and working in the heart of the sinner I am
talking to.
Look to the Spirit to Convince and Convict the
Our message must
be marked by the power of God
(Rom. 1:16). The Holy Spirit brings it home to
the hearts with deep conviction (John 16:8). God will work in the deep
recesses of the soul convicting, persuading, refuting, and laboring like a
highly skilled prosecuting attorney seeking a conviction. Without the Holy
Spirit our presentation is merely a sales talk. When we witness in concert with
His powerful convicting ministry, there is real potential for a genuine
conversion. We must be yielded and submitted to the Holy Spirit; like the tool
in the hand of a carpenter we must be pliable.
With the Holy
Spirit the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.
This is exactly what the Lord Jesus said the Holy Spirit would do as we labor
in the gospel ministry (John 16:7–11).
Trust the Spirit of the Living God to work in their hearts.
He will work in
those with whom you share the Good News.
He will work in
his own way and in his timing. Be a willing instrument in His hand.
Spurgeon’s Worse Sermon
Spurgeon once preached what in his judgment was one of his poorest sermons. He
stammered and floundered, and when he got through he felt that it had been a
complete failure. He was greatly humiliated, and when he got home he fell on his
knees and said, “Lord, God, Thou canst do something with nothing. Bless that
poor sermon.”
all through the week he uttered that prayer. He woke up in the night and prayed
about it. He determined that the next Sunday he would redeem himself by preaching
a great sermon. Sure enough, the next Sunday the sermon went off beautifully.
At the close the people crowded about him and covered him with praise. Spurgeon
went home pleased with himself, and that night he slept like a baby. But he
said to himself, “I’ll watch the results of those two sermons.” What were they?
the one that has seemed a failure he was able to trace forty-one conversions.
And from that magnificent sermon he was unable to discover that a single soul
was saved. The Spirit of God used the one and did not use the other. We can do
nothing without the Spirit who helps our infirmities. —Christian Digest
ASSURANCE. 1Thes 1:5… and in much
A. Have Personal
Assurance in Your Own Heart When Sharing the Gospel.
If you are
uncertain of the value of the Gospel, your listener will detect that also.
But, Paul
witnessed with boldness and complete confidence in the message.
We need to have
an inner certainty that Christ will change them as He has radically renovated
you deep within.
Paul preached with
a great and profound conviction of the truth. He was entirely convinced of the
solution he offered humanity!
We must actually
and truly believe what we proclaim to
others—regarding heaven, hell, forgiveness, grace, repentance, mercy, and Jesus
B. Promote
Assurance in Others as you Share the Gospel.
Your witness should
produce assurance and confidence in the lives of those who listen.
The Thessalonians
accepted the Gospel with much assurance
as the word of God. The result in their lives was full assurance of
The thought in
“assurance” is (Col. 2:2, full persuasion), hope (Heb. 6:11), resting in faith (Heb. 10:22). Absolute confidence in Christ, (2
Tim. 1:12).
Our Witnessing is
not done when we lead someone to Christ, we must take the next step and afford
them verses of assurance (Jn. 3:16, 36; 5:24; 6:35, 39, 40; 1John 3:9, 14; 4:7;
5:1, 4, 10-15).
Do not neglect
your converts and allow them to struggle with doubts about their
salvation. Lead them to assurance in the
Lord with the Scriptures. Remember it is the Spirit of God who affords this
assurance and we only aid His work by sharing appropriate passages from the Word.
Ultimately the assurance comes from God and we are simply catalysts.
Moody’s Favorite Verse
L. Moody’s favorite verse was Isaiah 12:2: “I will trust, and not be afraid.”
He used to say: “You can travel first-class or second-class to heaven. Second
class is, “What time I am afraid, I will trust.” First class is, “I will trust,
and not be afraid.”” That is the better way. Why not buy a first-class ticket?
(Ps 56:3). –Tan, Paul Lee: Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations
Faraday Rested On Certainties
When that great Christian and
scientist, Sir Michael Faraday, was dying, some journalists questioned him as
to his speculations for a life after death. “Speculations!” said he, “I know
nothing about speculations. I’m resting on certainties. “I know that my
redeemer liveth,” and because He lives, I shall live also.” —Gospel Trumpet
CONSISTENCY. 1Thes 1:5…ye know what
manner of men we were among you....
A. His Manner of
Witnessing was Consistent with Right Living. “what
manner of men”
Lifestyle must be
consistent with the message.
a. Not only did Paul and his ministry team preach a
convincing message, but they also lived lives consistent with that message.
b. Paul understood how his own conduct must preach the
gospel, by living a consistent life. The best sermon is a holy life.
Lifestyle should confirm the message. Paul’s entire conduct confirmed his preaching. If we have a good testimony it commends Christ
to others!
Amazing Grace
one occasion John Vassar, the great soulwinner, was going from house to house
distributing tracts and talking with people about their souls. One woman who
heard about this strange man and what he was doing said: “If he comes to my
house, he will get the door slammed in his face.”
knowing that this woman had made such a statement, Mr. Vassar rang her doorbell
the next day. When she saw that he was the man who had been described to her,
she slammed the door in his face. John Vassar sat down on her doorstep and
But drops of
grief can ne’er repay
The debt of
love I owe,
Here, Lord, I
give myself away;
’Tis all that
I can do.
woman heard the earnest verse as he sang and was convicted a sinner. She opened
the door and called Mr. Vassar in, who led her to Jesus Christ. —Covenant
B. His Motive for
Witnessing was Consistent with Right Living. “for your sake”
The Thessalonians
were fully aware that their preachers’ motive was to benefit them. Paul
was not in evangelism for himself, the numbers, the prestige, a larger church,
the possible income, the distinction, nor the recognition—pride.
This was for
them—“for your
sake”—‘in order to win you.’ This is a strong, motive for holy
living—to win those who are non-Christians (Col 4:5;
1Co 9:19–23).
I believe God
will use one who is entirely surrendered to evangelism! We look in the Bible for the greatest heroes
of the faith, but in essence the best evangelists should be serving today! We have the Indwelling Spirit, more
understanding, the complete Scriptures, and many other technological advantages.
Clearly we can live like we really mean business with God regarding evangelism!
Paul preached the
gospel of the grace of
God and these Macedonians were saved. From their belief beautiful lives had begun
to blossom.
The new converts
had been firmly grounded in core truth. A new view of reality, penetrating
beyond the mists of illusion and empty human reasoning to the Person who made
the universe for His own good and loving purposes, literally revolutionized the
lives of first-century people.—Richards, Larry ; Richards, Lawrence O.: The
Teacher's Commentary
If we will preach the Gospel in power, in the Spirit,
with much assurance coupled with a consistent lifestyle; it will make a
difference in our culture. Make no mistake about this…this is what our country
and every country on the planet needs. We need Jesus Christ. He is the singular
answer! We may employ every strategy known to man to deliver a crystal clear
message of the hope available in Jesus Christ in our decadent society. Beloved,
do all you can to share Christ’s hope in as many ways as you can with others.
Illustration: Wesley And
The Robber
John Wesley rode across Hounslow Heath late one night, singing a favorite hymn,
he was startled by a fierce voice shouting, “Halt,” while a firm hand seized
the horse’s bridle. Then the man demanded, “Your money or your life.”
obediently emptied his pockets of the few coins they contained and invited the
robber to examine his saddlebags which were filled with books. Disappointed at
the result, the robber was turning away when Mr. Wesley cried, “Stop! I have
something more to give you.”
robber, wondering at this strange call, turned back. Then Mr. Wesley, bending
down toward him, said in solemn tones, “My friend, you may live to regret this
sort of a life in which you are engaged. If you ever do, I beseech you to
remember this, “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all
robber hurried silently away, and the man of God rode along, praying in his
heart that the word spoken might be fixed in the robber’s conscience.
later, at the close of a Sunday evening service, the people streamed from the
large building with many lingering around the doors to see the aged preacher,
who was John Wesley.
stranger stepped forward and earnestly begged to speak with Mr. Wesley. What a
surprise to find that this was the robber of Hounslow Heath, now a well-to-do
tradesman in the city, but better still, a child of God! The words spoken that
night long ago had been used of God in his conversion.
the hand of Mr. Wesley to his lips, he affectionately kissed it and said in
tones of deep emotion, “To you, dear sir, I owe it all.”
nay, my friend,” replied Mr. Wesley softly, “not to me, but to the precious
blood of Christ which cleanseth us from all sin.” –Tan, Paul Lee: Encyclopedia
of 7700 Illustrations
Be not discouraged, the gospel still works, keep
sharing it in faith! Concentrate on the sowing and leave the results with
God. He must give the increase! Remember God still saves the hard cases, the
difficult sinners to reach, even people involved with other religions and
cultic practices. Beloved, accept this
truth: the gospel still makes a
No matter how hideous and wicked a society may be, the miracle of regeneration will still be manifested where the gospel is preached in power. Even though the most disgusting behavior may dominate a culture, there are still those who long for a different life, some real hope, and a sense of morality. The Gospel can still make a difference even amidst filthy and smut driven societies. I know this to be true!
#Gospel #HolySpirit #Salvation #Sin #Witnessing #Hell #Heaven #Peace #Forgiveness #Hope #MaxEvangel
No matter how hideous and wicked a society may be, the miracle of regeneration will still be manifested where the gospel is preached in power. Even though the most disgusting behavior may dominate a culture, there are still those who long for a different life, some real hope, and a sense of morality. The Gospel can still make a difference even amidst filthy and smut driven societies. I know this to be true!
#Gospel #HolySpirit #Salvation #Sin #Witnessing #Hell #Heaven #Peace #Forgiveness #Hope #MaxEvangel
I remember attending a revival meeting at my first church in South Carolina at the age of twelve. I had experienced serious conviction during the first four nights of the meeting and desperately felt my need to be born again. I had answered the altar call in the previous year’s revival desiring to be saved, but my mother examined me and encouraged me to wait until I understood better what salvation was all about.
#Gospel #HolySpirit #Salvation #Sin #Witnessing #Hell #Heaven #Peace #Forgiveness #Hope #MaxEvangel