While we all fight various weaknesses in our character, personality, and
bodies, God still holds out a promise of inner spiritual strength that enables
us to triumph in any and all challenges (Eph. 3:16; Rom. 8:26; 2 Cor. 12:9). Even when our external
circumstances remain unaltered, God’s grace can transform the climate in our
soul making us stronger deep within where it counts most.
Weak, Weakness, Weaknesses
We may be living is a weakened condition for any number of reasons. We may
be weaker because of the junk irresponsible individuals have dumped in our
lives as they messed us over leaving us weakened, vulnerable, embittered, and
hazarded. Toxic relationships can stripe us of everything human leaving us more
like animals than we care to admit. We exist purely in a type of survival mode. Perhaps it was
some devastating experience that flat lined our faith filling us with questions
about God’s goodness, faithfulness, mercy, and love. "Why God,...why did You...?" "Lord, if You're so strong, why didn't You prevent...?" Just fill in the blanks with your own story. Is it a natural disaster, a
fire, a death, a divorce, yet another divorce, another unfaithful spouse, the loss
of a home, or even another heartbreak--dead end relationship…? "I honestly thought I could trust....but why, why, why?" The questions simply will not go away;
daily they gnaw away on the few remaining fragments of our tattered faith all the
while rendering us weaker and even weaker.
Perhaps some are weaker because they have adopted a ‘victim mentality.’ Viewing their situation as gravely disadvantageous and regarding themselves as victims of the negative actions of others. Triumph never shows up on their radar. These poor souls do not even realize a positive outcome is even possible. They think, speak, and act as if injustices abound in their unique case, even in the absence of clear evidence. Their personalities are warped by their skewed perception of reality. These dear folk fail to see their spiritual obligations to become strong in the Lord, and they fail to realize there is more to life then blaming others. Such individuals need to discover the overcoming-situation-changing power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why be pitied when we can be powerful in the Lord? Why trudge along feeling sorry for ourselves, when we can experience and explore our real potential in the Lord of glory?
Perhaps some are weaker because they have adopted a ‘victim mentality.’ Viewing their situation as gravely disadvantageous and regarding themselves as victims of the negative actions of others. Triumph never shows up on their radar. These poor souls do not even realize a positive outcome is even possible. They think, speak, and act as if injustices abound in their unique case, even in the absence of clear evidence. Their personalities are warped by their skewed perception of reality. These dear folk fail to see their spiritual obligations to become strong in the Lord, and they fail to realize there is more to life then blaming others. Such individuals need to discover the overcoming-situation-changing power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why be pitied when we can be powerful in the Lord? Why trudge along feeling sorry for ourselves, when we can experience and explore our real potential in the Lord of glory?
Fully Adequate Strength
No doubt someone will ask, "This is all well and good, but can we be
certain the Spirit’s strength is adequate? After all, my need is great and I
do not have the emotional reserves to keep hoping with no real prospects of lasting
help." While I appreciate a certain level of skepticism in this quick-fix, quick sale, manipulative, only the bottom line matters society, I assure you this is no snake oil sales pitch. God honestly and clearly communicates these truths about spiritual victory, triumph, and overcoming all through His Word. Therefore, consider first the fact that the Lord Jesus performed His ministry
on earth in the power of the Spirit (Luke 4:1, 14; Acts
10:38). Every sermon, ministry, lesson, service, miracle, and day He was
literally inundated with the power of the Spirit of God! Believe it or not, this is the same
resource we have for Christian living and service today. While I am not
suggesting we will perform miracles on a daily basis; I am suggesting we can
become a living testimony to God’s miraculous power in our lives.
Secondly, the ministry of the Holy Spirit is key to the dynamic life and explosive growth of the early churches as recorded in the book of Acts. Dr. Wiersbe concurs pointing out that,
Secondly, the ministry of the Holy Spirit is key to the dynamic life and explosive growth of the early churches as recorded in the book of Acts. Dr. Wiersbe concurs pointing out that,
As you read the Book of Acts, you see the
importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church, for there are some
fifty-nine (59) references to the Spirit in the book, or one fourth of the
total references found in the New Testament…. Someone has said, “If God took
the Holy Spirit out of this world, most of what we Christians are doing would
go right on—and nobody would know the difference!” Sad, but true.

This power
is the grand indispensable of Christian witness. A man may be highly
talented, intensively trained, and widely experienced, but without spiritual power he is ineffective. On the other
hand, a man may be uneducated, unattractive, and unrefined, yet let him be
endued with the power of the Holy Spirit and the world will
turn out to see him burn for God. The fearful disciples needed power for witnessing, holy boldness
for preaching the gospel. They would receive this power when the Holy Spirit
came upon them (Believer's
Bible Commentary).
I also love the question Paul Tan poses in his Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations, “What
are you doing that you can’t get done unless the power of God falls on your
ministry?” Healthy self-examination is often vital to real spiritual awakening and a fresh inflow of God's strength and power into our lives. It is wise to take a good look at ourselves when we sense a 'power shortage.' Not only within our sinful hearts, but certainly there to begin with. Ultimately we need to look to Christ Jesus our Lord for heavenly supplies and resources.
Finally, the probing and searching words of Evangelist John R. Rice are especially fitting and challenging. He identified modern misconceptions and weaknesses in our brand of watered-down Christianity saying,
Finally, the probing and searching words of Evangelist John R. Rice are especially fitting and challenging. He identified modern misconceptions and weaknesses in our brand of watered-down Christianity saying,
In these modern days people think much of a
trained ministry. We are strong on organization and on equipment. There is a
subtle change going on in our thinking, and we begin to persuade ourselves that
mass revivals are over, that God does not work miracles any longer, that what
preachers need is more culture, not more Christ. Psychology seems more
important than power, and organizing is a great deal easier than agonizing!
“The supper room” is more popular than “the upper room” in the modern church.
But after all there is only One who can bring us out of our difficulties in our
nation, in our homes, and in our churches, yea, in the depths of our own
hearts. We need a revival! Only God can give it.
So, if you are feeling a little weakened by your past, a certain assaulting person, grueling circumstances, unfair developments, or even general ignorance,
there is still hope. Be assured there is no need in our lives God cannot meet
entirely. There is no weakness in our souls or about our lives that the Spirit
of grace cannot address and rectify most adequately. Finally, there is no
reason in the world for each of us to not become stronger and stronger in the Lord. Remember this is all by His Spirit working in our inner most personality--the deepest precincts of our souls (Eph. 3:16). Ask God to give you
strength for today; on tomorrow, ask Him again for more. His grace is always sufficient.
If you are feeling a little weakened by your past, a certain assaulting person, grueling circumstances, unfair developments, or even general ignorance, there is still hope. Be assured there is no need in our lives God cannot meet entirely. There is no weakness in our souls or about our lives that the Spirit of grace cannot address and rectify most adequately.
#Soul #Spirit #Weakness #Strength #Sufficiency #Power #Spirit #MaxEVangel #Grace #God #Help
While we all fight various weaknesses in our character, personality, and bodies, God still holds out a promise of inner spiritual strength that enables us to triumph in any and all challenges (Eph. 3:16; Rom. 8:26; 2 Cor. 12:9). Even when our external circumstances remain unaltered, God’s grace can transform the climate in our soul making us stronger deep within where it counts most.
#Power #Strength #Might #Spirit #God #Weakness #Character #Personality #MaxEvangel
Luke agrees quoting the Lord Jesus’ promise “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you” (Acts 1:8). Christian living and ministry can only thrive when empowered by God Himself. Any other strategy will not work in an authentic way.
#Power #Strength #Might #Spirit #God #Weakness #Character #Personality #MaxEvangel