We follow Christ obediently because we desire to do so, not solely because we have to. Christian living is fundamentally different from living religiously. While some are satisfied with the leverage of a law, a requirement, a commandment to force compliance with biblical obligations, mature Christian love is informed by the Word and inspired by the Spirit of Grace. Typically, higher motivations mark Christians who truly live in grace and love unto the Lord Jesus. A fear of punishment is superseded by a passion for Christ!
Our obligations to the Law of Moses ended with placing our faith in the sacrificial and representative death of Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:13-14; Col. 2:14). His death terminated the commanding authority of the Law over Believers; thus, freeing us to enter a faith relationship with Christ upon His resurrection (Rom. 7:1-6). Paul, the apostle, emphasized this saying, “But now we are delivered from the law…that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter” (Rom. 7:6). The governing authority of the Law was broken through the death of Christ. It is our grand privilege to daily live in a new relationship to God through the resurrected Christ; we are free to serve in the newness of the Spirit, strength of grace, and energy of godly love.
This faith-relationship is designed to be fruitful, productive, exerting a
positive influence, and issuing into righteous activities of eternal
significance (Rom. 6:22; 7:4). Fruit is the natural product of a married couple; having a family is quite natural. Likewise for believers in Christ Jesus, our relationship with him should bear fruit. Such fruit bearing is supernatural. No longer enslaved to sinful practices and
pursuits, but now serving and living in the beauty of real holiness. Christian vocation is a delightful
outpouring of our entire being energized by the Spirit to honor God and help
our fellowman. Thus, our lives are guided by a definite identity, catapulted by
the highest motives, filled with substantial meaning, and infused with the
grandest purpose.
We do not serve Jehovah God in human energy, according to the letter, inundated
with horrors, consistent with the warp wisdom of our time, and out of a dreaded
sense of obligation. We refuse to reduce our faith to slavishly subscribing and
adhering to humanly engineered rules or cleverly devised schemes of
religionists. Sadly for some, Christianity is nothing more than adhering to a list of dos and don'ts. Empty religion is an absolutely poor substitute for a
relationship with the Most High God. While we do have strong conviction, possess clear perceptions of right and wrong, and are inclined to select the best over the good; we realize with certainty our Faith is not merely a list! No,
the principles we live by must be anchored in Almighty God, Jesus Christ, the
Spirit of grace, and the bedrock of God’s eternal Truth. We obey God because we
love Him and yearn to please Him at the very core of our being. His Truth is
written in our very souls (Jer. 31:33; Heb. 10:16, 17) by His indwelling
Spirit! Life with God is far more than compliance with a religious list.

As believers in Christ Jesus, we must understand the differences between
law and love, guilt and grace, human energy and the Spirit's power, and obligation verses
desire. Many believers attempt to function by a combination of law and love, but
we must remember what Paul, the apostle said. In Romans 7:6, he said, “But now
we are delivered from the law….” Through faith in Christ’s death, burial, and
resurrection, Believers end their relationship to the Law of Moses and enter a faith-relationship of grace with Jesus Christ. We now have zero obligations to the
Law of Moses. Christ satisfied the Law of Moses requirements in full; therefore, we are free. Not free to do whatever we want, but free to become ALL God intended and designed us to become in Christ our Lord (Eph. 2:5-10). Thus, we are free to become slaves to our new loving Master
Jesus! How free we are when we are absolutely enslaved to His glorious Person and will from our heart of hearts! We serve with passion, power, and purpose when we are motivated by a holy love for our Lord.

Think about it.... What wife would be happy with a husband who merely feels a legal obligation to her? What about actions stemming from a love for her? Why would God be pleased with Believers who primarily live for Him because they feel they have to? Why would God be satisfied with a relationship with His children of compliance with a few choice behavioral codes, religious-feeling rituals, empty meaningless ceremonies, and a few standards of moral conduct? Every time these type things are emphasized you will find religious pride, self-righteousness, harshness, shame, hypocrisy, frustration and a tendency towards petty sectarianism. These things militate against grace! In the meantime genuinely sharing life with God is lost. Christ came and died that we might have real life abundantly in the true and living God! Christ is the enduring expression of the love of God towards us, and Christ is to be our love response to God in return. Beloved, there really is a difference between mere religion and a relationship. I said there is a difference between law and love.