Monday, November 25, 2013

It Is a Good Thing to Give Thanks

Our early and wise American leaders recognized the far reaching significance of observing a special day each year to recount our blessings and express gratitude to God for all the goodness He graciously showers upon us. Accordingly, that very first thanksgiving observance was directed by Governor Bradford in 1621 to commemorate the Pilgrims’ harvest. Later George Washington declared November 26, 1789, as a national day of thanksgiving; however, the holiday was not repeated on a national basis until Abraham Lincoln named it a national Harvest Festival on November 26, 1861. After that time, the holiday was proclaimed annually by the President and the governors of each state. Finally, in 1941, Congress passed a bill naming the fourth Thursday of each November as Thanksgiving Day.

Psalm 92, is a song of unmistakable praise and thanksgiving unto the Lord God (Ps. 113). It wonderfully celebrates the Person and work of God in a most energetic fashion. In verses 1-4 it encourages our spirits to respond to God in praise and worship. As a result, we are challenged to: 1) Cultivate a persistent outlook of thankfulness; 2) Celebrate the wisdom of Jehovah God in worship enlivened with exuberant thanks; 3) Reflect often on the awe inspiring achievements of God in order for us to sustain a spirit of gratitude. As such, this Psalm can greatly advance our efforts to develop a thankful character.  
Psalm 92 is necessary because it seems we are naturally inclined to solicit, expect, require, and even demand the good we feel we are entitled to or deserve. We are also prone to take the numerous blessings we enjoy for granted.  One trip to an under developed country can do wonders for our arrogant materialistic ingratitude. In fact, often we do not even think about how privileged we truly are until we lose them or see someone without the common gifts we take for granted.  While living in Germany, I saw an article in the Stars and Stripes newspaper over two years ago with a picture of a young Marine and his wife.  He was a triple amputee in a wheel chair and his wife was carrying both of his prosthetic legs as they left the hospital. When I saw the picture I was moved, and immediately felt my shame. God latter whispered to me, “Look at all the blessings I give you and you take them for granted as if you actually deserve them.”  In that moment, I realized that giving thanks once a year is far too inadequate; I must develop an attitude of gratitude that marks me every day of life.
Make no mistake about it; an attitude of gratitude can be cultivated through reflecting on the natural goodness of Jehovah God and His kind generosity towards us all. Taking God’s goodness for granted while demanding more of His bounty is the demarcation of gross ingratitude. Such a natural and prideful attitude requires no work at all, but genuine thankfulness must be learned.  I am convinced the focus of our thankful reflections should be upon God and His goodness. Who else could inspire greater gratitude in the human heart than the Lord? This is the God who “so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son [Jesus], that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Indeed, “it is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD” (Ps. 92:1). Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Our early and wise American leaders recognized the far reaching significance of observing a special day each year to recount our blessings and express gratitude to God for all the goodness He graciously showers upon us. Accordingly, that very first thanksgiving observance was directed by Governor Bradford in 1621 to commemorate the Pilgrims’ harvest.

    #Gratitude #Thanksgiving #Praise #Thanks #Appreciation #Entitlement #Materialistic #Character #MaxEvangel

  2. Our early and wise American leaders recognized the far reaching significance of observing a special day each year to recount our blessings and express gratitude to God for all the goodness He graciously showers upon us. Accordingly, that very first thanksgiving observance was directed by Governor Bradford in 1621 to commemorate the Pilgrims’ harvest.

    #Gratitude #Thanksgiving #Praise #Thanks #Appreciation #Entitlement #Materialistic #Character #MaxEvangel


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