Friday, November 1, 2013

A Creator Explains A Lot

“IN the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). The Bible opens with this brilliant and authoritative declaration of how the universe came into existence. Boldly asserting the Ultimate Reality—there is a God, the universe is not eternal, and God created everything from nothing (Heb. 11:3). And how did He do this miraculous thing? The Bible offers an astounding answer—He spoke and galaxies, solar systems, planets, and our earth appeared. “By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth” (Ps. 33:6). In fact, he still sustains the universe by His infinite power and common grace (Col. 1:15-18). Who is this Creator God? He is known as the Word of God, but more familiarly as Jesus Christ (John 1:1-4). As God, He deserves respect because He owns the entire enterprise of the universe and He is uniquely responsible for our very existence. The myriads of heavenly creatures know how to treat their Creator. Listen to them energetically exclaim, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created” (Rev. 4:11).Certainly the Creator is worthy of our most profound worship, and we exist finally for His pleasure.
Now that we understand who the Creator is and what He created, it would be helpful to ponder why He even bothered. Why did God create? As already indicated, all of creation was originally intended to bring glory and pleasure to God (Isa. 43:7; Ps. 19:1-2; Col. 1:16; Rev. 4:11). This is healthy to recognize because it is welded to our own purpose and significance in this world. Furthermore, as creation demonstrates God’s supremacy, great power, wisdom (Jer. 10:12, 16), and goodness (Gen.1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31), we also realize an additional design: our spiritual enrichment by these realities. Do not make the mistake of concluding that these observations are limited to ‘spiritual’ discussions or considerations. No, this singular reality gives shape to a worldview that embraces every facet of life, government, society, science, personal deportment/behavior, humanitarianism, medicine, faith, family, and our occupations. In all honesty, this list could run on indefinitely entirely free of any elements of exaggeration!
The appropriate response to such an incredible gift is thanksgiving, praise, and unharnessed worship towards God, the superb Designer. Then we should follow this with more heart-felt conviction-filled adoration for His majestic exploits and creative wonders. His creative genius is evident all around us and predictably deep within each of us as well. When we have calculated these biblical facts correctly, we will gladly acknowledge His ownership of all, and our comprehensive stewardship obligations to Him. We will intensely appreciate the explanation of our own existence residing exclusively in Him. We will rejoice in this clarification that affords us a dignified origin, identity, purpose, meaning, and destiny. You see, the reality of a Creator explains a great deal that does not make any sense without Him. In contrast, we have no trans-mundane purpose or significance if we are merely the results of a few chancy cosmic burps billions of years ago.
Most importantly, the Scriptures roundly and consistently testify to the fact that God exists and that He created. Any cursory reading of the Bible can produce this conclusion. Though many have criticized the credibility of the Bible and especially its account of origins, it remains the most attested Writing on the planet. Nothing else even comes close to the reliability of the Scriptures! I, personally, am absolutely comfortable taking a biblical account over any professor who diminishes this holy Book.
God in the equation of the universe fills life with truth, hope, and peace. We are not alone in the universe, and it is safe to live each day on earth free of despair. There is Someone who can bring beauty out of ashes, purpose out of pain, healing out of heartache, blessing out of brokenness, triumph out of tragedy, and salvation from sinfulness. Truth has a bedrock anchor that will not change with new research discoveries, the fickleness of society, or the inventions of religionists. A divine Creator really does explain a great deal.
In a highly scientific age, I still believe in a Creator and gladly consider myself one of His creatures. In spite of the many supposed enlightened objections, a Creator is a far more plausible explanation for existence than anything else I have ever read or studied. Yes, I have looked honestly at both sides of this debate. I am far more pleased with my position than the alternative of macro-evolution. It simply requires too much ‘blind faith’ to believe in evolution, when there is zero supporting evidence. This is not an exaggeration; the solid observable empirical evidence does not exist anywhere on the planet. All evolutionary scientists can offer are theories and models front-loaded with tons of presuppositions, and assumptions. Yes, it is true that the Christian worldview holds its own set of assumption, but they do seem to align with the evidence more readily than evolution. In addition, Christianity does not claim to be science; it is a faith based on the Scriptures and anchored in the Person Jesus Christ.
Finally, belief without evidence is more of a religion than a science. Honestly this is precisely where science unwittingly finds itself today. Modern science worships at the altar of ‘beliefs’ and ‘myths.’ Research the history of this supposed modern science apparatus and you will discover many re-definitions, theories that failed to deliver, blatant frauds/forgeries, and even embarrassingly desperate lies. Read the writings of early evolutionists and they will admit their uncertainties and unqualified ‘convictions.’ The modern movement does not fare any better. Evolution simply cannot be reproduced in a laboratory, and it cannot be examined or observed anywhere. This is not science! It is simply believed…that sounds like a religion to me. Evolution is boldly thundered and asserted without really proving anything. Once again I also assert a Creator really does answer more questions than it raise. “In the beginning God created….”


  1. Now that we understand who the Creator is and what He created, it would be helpful to ponder why He even bothered. Why did God create? As already indicated, all of creation was originally intended....

    #Faith #Meaning #Origin #Planet #purpose #Science #Design #Destiny #MaxEvangel #Creation

  2. Now that we understand who the Creator is and what He created, it would be helpful to ponder why He even bothered. Why did God create? As already indicated, all of creation was originally intended....

    #Faith #Meaning #Origin #Planet #purpose #Science #Design #Destiny #MaxEvangel #Creation


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