Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Making Mr. Floyd’s Death Count

The death of Mr. George Floyd involving a Minneapolis police officer has reopened a putrid wound in our nation. The issue of police brutality and race relations have been brought to the forefront once again because of this tragic situation. I was hurt to the point of tears as I watched the video and heard the pleas of Mr. Floyd for breath and for his mother. I pray for real justice in this matter. I will not pretend I have or know all the facts in this case. That is for the jury to decide in a proper court of law. We really don’t know much of what happened before the videos and what happened after the filming stopped. At least one question begs for an answer, does passing a fake 20 dollar bill deserve this level of response from the Minneapolis police? What is clear to me is that Mr. Floyd should still be among the living. I am praying for real justice. I do realize the vast majority of police officers across this country are honest hardworking people who put their lives at risk daily to protect our communities. I deeply appreciate and solute them. I also pray for grace and peace for the Floyd family; I cannot imagine what they are experiencing.

Unfortunately, the cries for justice for Mr. Floyd in the form of peaceful protests have been hijacked by ANTIFA, a radical militant left-wing terrorist group. Such groups are driving and instigating the violence and looting. They have intentionally fanned the flames of rage and destruction in our American cities. They are destroying the communities of families and businesses of innocent people. You see they gain political power through racial division in our country. This is an outrage!

You see, those who sought to protest peacefully in their own communities and cities have been overrun by out of state components of ANTIFA. They are responsible for the anarchy, looting, vandalism, fires, and destruction we are witnessing. They are opportunists; they did the same type things in the violent Baltimore, MD riots a few years ago. Unfortunately, the local black populations in these cities will be blamed for the rioting and looting taking place, but the genesis of these activities is with ANTIFA. I am not at all suggesting that every protester marching in their own city is categorically innocent of all destructive behaviors. I think time will show many locals of various ethnic backgrounds took advantage of the situation to vandalize and steal. I am suggesting that the violence and destruction unfolding is sponsored by the extremist group ANTIFA. Please do not overlook this reality. Certainly, each individual is responsible for their actions, but please do not overlook the carefully calculated efforts of these terrorists. Yes, the legitimate protests have been co-opted by this lawlessness and evil unfolding in multiple US cities. This must stop.

Yes, I do support peaceful protests as illustrated by Dr. King in the 60s, but we cannot condone or sanction the lawlessness unfolding each night in our US cities. The Apostle Paul and Silas protested in Philippi in Acts chapter 16; these are legitimate exercises of rights. The cause of justice for Mr. Floyd; however, is lost in all this mayhem. ANTIFA must be categorized as American based terrorists, dealt with accordingly under lawful authority, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for their crimes. I cannot associate with or condone the activities of groups like ANTIFA. They are criminals and they are not a help to America, Blacks or any other minority group.

I have seen a great deal of frustration expressed on social media platforms. I have read many demands for things to change and improve, but very few have articulated what the new reality should look like. I have seen many opinions rooted in political ideologies…even from believers. My question is, has anyone examined the Bible to see what it says about racism? Do we know, from God’s perspective, how to build bridges to people of different cultures? Have we imagined a solution that only requires other people to change but not ourselves? Are we really ready for meaningful dialogue across cultural divides to achieve real understanding? Are we prepared to speak truth and work with facts alone? Can we get ourselves to the place where we will listen to another's perspective? Have we assumed that only others are biased, but we have not done the hard work to discover and deal with our own biases? If we really want solutions that will work...change that will have a meaningful impact in our country, then we must start examining the Word of God. When we honestly examine the Scriptures, we will soon discover we have been examined by the Almighty Himself.

I don't know about anyone else, but I need God examining my own heart regularly. What good is that? What difference can an old Book make? We'll it helps me to stop pointing fingers so readily. I was faced with my own prejudices, anger, resentment, and hatred...I found myself confessing my sins before God. The Scriptures showed me I needed to forgive those who judged me before they ever met me. God showed me through the example of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross that I MUST forgive those who have hurt me intentionally.

God's Word help me understand the true freedom that comes with forgiving people who mistreated me because of the color of my skin. I have been called some nasty names by people of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Some of them I deserved. I have even had fellow Black people call me “trash” and use the "N" word in the most demeaning ways. Yes, I am very familiar with what it means to be unjustly discriminated against merely because of the color of my skin. It has happened repeatedly throughout my life. My family even faced it while serving the Lord in Germany for several years. Even Christians on more than a few occasions distanced themselves from me once they discovered I was Black. However, we still made a conscious decision to treat people fairly regardless of what nationality they are. I am not a victim! I have refused to succumb to the kind of bitterness and resentment racism can spawn. This is the grace of God in my own life. There are so many; however, who hate deeply because they have been wronged on the basis of race. Generally, the more a Black person feels wronged, the more justified they feel in their anger, bitterness, and resentment. This is true for all people groups. Such is not God's plan for any person. If we are not careful we will allow ourselves to be overcome with evil instead of overcoming evil with good. God help us to lean into his grace to make a meaningful impact for progress along racial lines.

How have I handled these personal injustices? I forgave them and found myself free! Free of guilt, bitterness, anger, resentment, jealousy, and even some of the pains associated with these. God in his infinite grace helped me to experience this. There were even times when God confronted me about my wicked attitudes, and I really did not want to hear from Him. But he still did not give up on me; He helped me by His Spirit and through His Word to deal with my sin. Did this solve everything? No. But instead of being a part of the problem, I can be a part of the solution. I still today, trust the Lord to use His Word to examine my heart. I still have a ways to go; I know this about myself. I am trusting the Lord for the help I need to journey further down this road of racial reconciliation. I cannot expect others to change if I am not willing to change.

Please accept these words of encouragement in love and peace. My intent is to minister grace and not to fuel anger. Jesus is always at the center of real solutions. I am saying there is real HOPE of change, and it can begin with us. I can honestly thank God for my brothers and sisters in Christ who help me gain perspective and insight into so many issues of life from God's view of things. In addition, some of them look nothing like me. They are from various ethnic backgrounds. A few of them will give me a complete hearing when I address these tough subjects. Really, they handle Jesus' account of the Good Samaritan far differently than the average person. They see principles that build bridges across cultures in the account of Jesus with the Woman at the Well. Principles of racial reconciliation given by the Lord Jesus himself. Change and progress is possible when the Lord Jesus is in the middle of it. Beloved, if we make such progress…then Mr. George Floyd’s death will count to the glory of God and the good of our country. Will you take this journey with me?


  1. The murder of Mr. George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer has reopened a putrid wound in our nation. The issue of police brutality and race relations have been brought to the forefront once again because of this tragic injustice. I was hurt to the point of tears as I watched the video and heard the pleas of Mr. Floyd for breath and for his mother. I pray for justice in this matter. I will not pretend I have or know all the facts in this case. That is for the jury to decide in a proper court of law. We really don’t know much of what happened before the videos and what happened after the filming stopped. At least one question begs for an answer, does passing a fake 20 dollar bill deserve this level of response from the Minneapolis police? What is clear to me is that Mr. Floyd should still be among the living. I am praying for justice…


    #Anger #Floyd #George #Murder #Grace #Forgiveness #Police #MaxEvangel #Protests

  2. How have I handled these personal injustices? I forgave them and found myself free! Free of guilt, bitterness, anger, resentment, jealousy, and even some of the pains associated with these. God in his infinite grace helped me to experience this. There were even times when God confronted me about my wicked attitudes, and I really did not want to hear from Him. But he still did not give up on me; He helped me by His Spirit and through His Word to deal with my sin.


    #Anger #Floyd #George #Murder #Grace #Forgiveness #Police #MaxEvangel #Protests


Evangelist Wayne McCray and MaxEvangel

Evangelist Wayne McCray and MaxEvangel
Promoting Redemption, Edification & Revival

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MaxEvangel's Promise
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