Friday, November 2, 2018

I am Yours…Lord

Genesis 12:4-9


THEME: God will greatly use us to touch the world as we respond to Him in faith. Truly, God deserves a people who completely embrace His excellent plans. We must; therefore, dedicate ourselves to His wonderful will.

Abraham’s arrival in Canaan was not a complete fulfillment of God’s promises immediately. God wanted to teach him patience, submission, and build his faith. Such experiences are not unique to Abraham; they are common to all who seek to follow God’s will. The promises often seem long delayed, and we must simply continue following day by day, trusting God and knowing that His timing is always right. In the meantime, until the opening of a larger door and the accomplishment of His specific and ultimate will in our lives, there are daily opportunities for service and witness where we are, and in whatever circumstances we may find ourselves. There is still a testing time though, even in the will of God, when God must teach us patience and submission. Such training often is long and slow, but worth it. Dr. Luke says in chapter 16 and verse 10, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

Out of a sinful and pagan world, God calls Abraham to leave everything and everyone he knows and travel to a land he has never seen. Abraham boldly steps out in faith, yet he hesitates and delays at times. It was only when Abraham fully yielded to God’s plan for his life, that God began to fulfill His plans in and through his life. Like Abraham, every one of us faces trials, frustrations and failures, but if we would be inspired to believe God as he did, we too could achieve great spiritual goals.

Today we see Abraham faithfully living in God’s will and walking according to God’s plan for his life. He is in Canaan enjoying the blessings of God and being a witness to the Canaanite in the Land. The ONLY way Abraham could arrive in Canaan and walk with God by faith is by first dedicating himself to God. It was not by accident nor by the process of time, but by a deliberate act of committing himself to live according to God’s plan.

Gen 12:4-5, So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran. 5, And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came.

Abraham is stepping out with confidence in God following His great plan for his life. He makes his way some 400 miles to Canaan across the hot desert to arrive in the Promised Land. This decision reveals great focus, determination, and dedication to the Lord!


             1.  CONSECRATION:  The act of setting apart, or dedicating, something or someone for God's use; the act of dedicating oneself to the worship and service of God. By leaving Haran, Abraham was dedicating himself to God’s plan which could only be fulfilled in Canaan.

As an Evangelist, I am set apart for the ministry of Preaching, Teaching, Soul Winning, Discipleship etc.  Another example would be our Church’s Piano is consecrated to the Worship and Service of God exclusively; we do not rent it out to rock groups nor do we use it for any other purpose. Our church Buildings are dedicated to the Lord’s service and worship, this is why we don’t use it for a dance hall or sex trafficking. These have been devoted to the Lord's purposes, plans, and pleasure.

            2.  In the Old Testament, the Temple and its Trappings were the Most Important Objects Consecrated to God (2 Chr. 7:5-9; Ezra 6:16-17); and Aaron and his sons were consecrated to the priesthood (Exodus 29; Leviticus 8). But even such items as the spoils of battle (Josh. 6:19; Mic. 4:13) and cattle could be consecrated (Lev. 27:28). Before the beginning of the priesthood in Israel's history, the first-born of men and beasts alike were consecrated (Ex. 13:2). But after the priesthood began, the tribe of Levi served as a substitute in this consecration (Num. 3:12).
Medical doctors must spend years in college preparing to practice medicine, exploring science, learning procedures, and studying the human body. All of their energies, nearly every waking hour is given to preparing for that profession. He or she could never be a good doctor except they dedicate them self to that profession. The same is true for a committed Christian. We will live by faith in the most serious sense and live deeply Christian as people dedicated to God. Abraham dedicates himself to God’s plans; he refuses to remain in Haran any longer. To do so places him out of the will of God wasting his potential and life.

God is still looking for such dedicated Christians through whom He can touch the world! Our heavenly Father desires dependence, trust, and faith in Him—not faith in our ability to please Him. You see, God’s plan from the very beginning has been to make Himself known to all people. Is it you He is challenging to surrender to a devoted life of service? Do you know God’s great plan for your life? It is the same for every Christian; He wants us to dedicate ourselves to Him and His great plan for us (Eph. 2:10).

My mind returns to one evening in October 1991, where I struggled for a period at the altar during the invitation in Grace Independent Baptist Church. That tour in Germany was marked by many punctuated spirituals decision that literally shaped our lives in ways we never dreamed. This was my time and place to dedicate my entire life to God. All of my weaknesses and strengths...all of my inadequacies and needs...all of my failures and victories...all of my dreams and potential were given over to my great God. I took my hands off my life deciding to go all the way with God in His plan for me. I did not fully understand all the ramifications of that single decision at the time, but I have no regrets to date! 

Many of the decisions in my Christian growth and progress were made automatically because I had made that one decision to live for God's glory. When I began to understand the importance of learning God’s Word in Sunday School, I devoted time to faithfully study God’s Word. Through preaching and teaching we learned about the incredible importance of sharing our Faith with the lost; since I had dedicated my life, I became far more serious and faithful to this privilege. Then I heard about tithing through my local church, so I stopped giving to TV Evangelists and began giving the tenth to my home church. My wife and I embraced the all-important world-wide Mission program, so we started supporting missions. After all we had dedicated our lives to Almighty God. I discovered through preaching and Bible study the importance of holiness and a separated lifestyle. As I yield to the Lord, He cleaned up my language, ambitions, goals, dreams, and personal appearance. The Lord also cleansed my life of poor habits, changed my haunts, and even my closest friends. On the list goes concerning my personal experience of consecrating my life to the Lord’s worship and service.  It did not happen automatically nor over night, but God showed me first the need to dedicate my entire life to Him and His service! Everything else began to make sense concerning Christian living! My life became far more simple with one primary motivation--honoring my Lord.

When we talk about consecration and devotion to the Lord, we soon find ourselves in need of encouragements to take that step.  After all it sounds very committed, and some are not sure they want any more commitments. Why bother running from God when we really can't do that? Why frustrate ourselves with fighting God when we understand we will never ever ever win? What is the point of taking charge of our own lives when they really do not belong to us anymore? 

Also remember Abraham had a death in his life, Terah had died. This was the one obstacle or hindrance that God removed from Abraham’s life allowing him to progress in God’s plan. Likewise, there must be a death in each of our experiences.... The application for us is to die to SELF AND OUR OWN PLANS FOR OUR LIVES.

            1.  What Would Drive Abraham to Go Through So Much Trouble to Obey God?
Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran... and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came (Gen. 12, 4, 5).

How would you like to make a major move at age 75? Traveling was not especially brief nor even remotely convenient for anyone in those days. But, watch Abraham insist on continuing with the Lord anew!

                 a.  Abraham Was Leaving the Security of Haran to Cross a Burning Desert to Go to a Strange Land called Canaan. The comforts and conveniences of city life no doubt were powerful temptations to stay there and ignore God’s plan for him. I am certain he was no different than we are. If there is discomfort, difficulty, discouragements, possible disaster and doubt involved then we usually shy away from it. If we feel like we must give up something to do it then we really rather not. If it will cause any kind of discomfort at all, then in many cases we would forget it all together. We value convenience too much and obedience too little.

                 b.  Abraham No Doubt Was Ridiculed by the Friends He Had Made in Haran When He Decided to Leave. Remember he was in Haran for about 15 years. Can’t you hear what they may have said to God’s servant, “You’re crazy, Abraham!” “You, your wife, and your servants will die out there in that desert wasteland!” “Abraham, you must give up on this silly dream you had from some strange God. Don’t waste your life, stay here in Haran!”
I really don’t know but maybe even Sarah asked him a time or two if he was sure he knew what he was doing.  “Are you sure you understood God correctly, it was 15 years ago when He appeared to you…. Why are you bringing this up again anyway? What do you have to prove?”

                   c.  No Doubt, after All this, Abraham Should Be Ready to Give up on this Idea and Rationalize His Partial Obedience to Remain in Haran.  But he didn’t!  He chose the life of Faith and Consecration anyway!  He committed himself to see God’s plan through! Note what the New Testament says:
Heb 11:10, For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
Heb 11:13-16, These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. 14, For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. 15, And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. 16, But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

Yes, Abraham must begin his journey to another land, but what drove him to do it? Yes, God had promised to guide and protect him (Gen. 12:2-3), and to lead him to another land. The promise of God’s guidance, leadership, blessings, and protection should be enough to encourage any of us to journey on with God. Remember Hebrews 11 tells us he went out looking for a material city, but ultimately God had some greater spiritual realities in mind for Abraham. God over the course of time, lifted his servant's eyes heavenward and his hope and faith led him to Heaven to dwell with Jehovah God. His pilgrimage began where ours begins, with a promise from God, a vision of Heaven, another country, a better country, a home forever blessed as the dwelling place of God. You see, God has spoken in His Word, we have believed Him, and now our Faith draws us to know Him even now. As a result, life not only begins but flourishes as we journey through this world by faith! Abraham was a man driven by a wonderful faith!

           2.  What Should Motivate Us to Consecrate Ourselves to God?
Rom 12:1-2, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice [consecration], holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

As with Abraham, real faith…dynamic faith lays at the foundation of our motivations…our consecration. Remember, faith is always based on something God said, prescribed, commanded or promised. Romans 12, verses 1 and 2 are an excellent point of meditation to stir our hearts of devotion to our awesome God. Consider the following observations:
                a.  The Lordship of Christ—He is our Master, Owner, Redeemer, and Lord
                b.  The mercies of God—the salvation we have in Christ
                c.  The desire to please Our Lord
                d.  The believer’s reasonable service—it is reasonable to live devoted to my Lord
                e.  The goal of proving the Will of God
                f.  To glorify God—my consecration testifies to God’s grace and blessings on my life
                g.  My love and appreciation for God’s multiplied goodness (Jn. 14:15, If ye love me, keep my commandments)
                h.  The promises of God—the life of Faith (our eternal home in Heaven—Jn. 14: 1-6)
                i.  A healthy desire to finish God’s plan for our lives
Acts 20:24, But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

Dr. F. B. Meyer came to a critical, transitional time in his ministry.  He sat dejectedly in his study. “My ministry is unfruitful, and I lack spiritual power,” he said to himself.
Suddenly Christ seem to stand beside him.  “Let me have the keys to your life,” Christ said.  The experience was so realistic that he reached into his pocket and took out a bunch of keys!  “Are all the keys here?”  “Yes, Lord, all except the key to one small room in my life.”  Christ said: “If you cannot trust me in all rooms of your life, I cannot accept any of the keys.”
Dr. Meyer was so overwhelmed with the feeling that Christ was moving out of his life because he was excluding Him from one interest in his life that he cried out, “Come back, Lord, and take the keys to all the rooms of my life!” --W. B. Knight

Certainly, consecration is when we give the Lord every key to every room in our life. We withhold nothing from our Lord. 

                j.  The Lord Jesus calls us to dedicate our lives to Him, He promises to reward those who obey Him!
Matt 16:24-27, Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25, For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 26, For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 27, For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

Certainly, God is serious about overcoming our reluctance to trust Him fully! Remember there is no point in running from the Almighty. He desires to take you to new places in Christ Jesus.

“If God can hang the stars on high, Can paint the clouds that drift on by; Can send the sun across the sky, What could He do through you?

If He can send a storm through space, and dot with trees the mountain’s face; if He, the sparrow’s way can trace, What could He do through you?

If God can do such little things As count our hairs, or birds that sing, Control the universe that swings, What could He do through you?”—GE Wagoner


God will greatly use Christians to touch our world as we respond to Him in faith while completely embracing His plans. We must; therefore, dedicate ourselves to his wonderful plan for our lives. So, what is keeping you from complete devotion to God? Does holding on to the controls of your life make you feel more secure? Beloved, fighting God is never a winning proposition…. When will you finally say, “I am yours…Lord.”


  1. Yes, Abraham must begin his journey to another land, but what drove him to do it? Yes, God had promised to guide and protect him (Gen. 12:2-3), and to lead him to another land. The promise of God’s guidance, leadership, blessings, and protection should be enough to encourage any of us to journey on with God. Remember Hebrews 11 tells us he went out looking for a material city, but ultimately God had some greater spiritual realities in mind for Abraham.

    #Heaven #Abraham #Devotion #Plan #Sarah #Jesus #God #MaxEvangel

  2. Abraham’s arrival in Canaan was not a complete fulfillment of God’s promises immediately. God wanted to teach him patience, submission, and build his faith. Such experiences are not unique to Abraham; they are common to all who seek to follow God’s will. The promises often seem long delayed, and we must simply continue following day by day, trusting God and knowing that His timing is always right.

    #Heaven #Abraham #Devotion #Plan #Sarah #Jesus #God #MaxEvangel

  3. As with Abraham, real faith…dynamic faith lays at the foundation of our motivations…our consecration. Remember, faith is always based on something God said, prescribed, commanded or promised. Romans 12, verses 1 and 2 are an excellent point of meditation to stir our hearts of devotion to our awesome God.

    #Heaven #Abraham #Devotion #Plan #Sarah #Jesus #God #MaxEvangel


Evangelist Wayne McCray and MaxEvangel

Evangelist Wayne McCray and MaxEvangel
Promoting Redemption, Edification & Revival

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