Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Internal Conflict

James 4

War and conflict find their source deep in the hearts of the individual.  They are components of our fleshly lustful nature as fallen creatures and they make havoc of our relationships if left unchecked.  James tells us of conflict within, with others and with God Himself.  This war with the flesh is exacerbated by the conflict with the world, another enemy of God and of our souls.  The world lures us to compromise our love and loyalty. We are enticed to be unfaithful to God and give the world system a portion of our heart and friendship.  If we must have values, simply Christianize those rooted in the system of worldly and godless lifestyles. This seems to be at the heart of this temptation. But, God is crystal clear when he calls the spiritually unfaithful believer in Christ adulterous.  He is not willing to share His blood bought ones with His enemy.
There is another dangerous enemy to the child of God, Satan.  He too seeks to deceive and thereby control the Christian.  He will use our carnal fallen nature against us, and he will call upon His other strong alley the World to influence our thoughts, values, and ambitions.  The warfare is spiritual, but real and bloody.  Many unprepared believers have fallen because they failed to understand God’s methods and weapons of warfare.
The primary means of defeating all of these formidable enemies is submission to God.  Instead of fleshly desires of lust, we submit our desires to His.  Instead of loving the world and its things, we choose to love God supremely.  Instead of falling for another of the devil’s lies we respect the truth and walk in it. Submission is choosing a position under the authority of God.  This will defeat the enemies of our souls.
In this place of submission unto God and all His will, the believer is afforded grace as long as he is humbly dependant on the Lord for victory.  We have the responsibility to resist the devil, confess and forsake sin, seek intimate fellowship with God, focus our hearts and minds singularly on the Lord and His will, and get real serious regarding our attitude towards sin.  When the believer does this God promises to give grace, the devil will run away in defeat, and we will be lifted up by God’s power.    
James addresses the subject of the tongue and the judgmental attitudes that often inspire its devastating activity.  Bad-mouthing, slander, gossip, and other indiscretions with speech actually place one in the seat of a judge instead of a subject to the law. There is but, one Judge and Lawgiver—Jehovah and He is not accepting resumes for these positions!  We would demonstrate our wisdom by leaving these responsibilities with Him and His precious Word.
The last thing James addresses is planning or the failure to plan with God at the center of one’s ambitions.  Too often we plan without consulting God or we go about our activities without even considering the fact that He has a specific will and plan for us.  Our number one Counselor should always be Him Who knows the extent of our lives and holds the future in His hands.  Any other planning is an act rooted in self-sufficiency or perceived financial independence and is evidently born of pride.  For the lost businessperson to conduct their affairs without including God is normal, but for a Christian it is scandalous sin.  The believer desiring to please the Lord with their business endeavors must first be concerned with, “if the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.”  This is the standard for Christian behavior and to fail to comply joyfully is sin.

Weather we are facing spiritual wars against a clever enemy with formidable alleys, seeking to control the tongue, or making plans for our future, submission to the Lordship of Christ is essential.  Victory over our enemies, discipline to speak good and avoid evil, and assurance for our future plans are centered in Him.  The wise believer will submit joyfully and embrace the will of God with the entire heart.  In doing so, there will be peace within, and in our relationships because we have peace with God.  God will afford grace, power, and control to the life consciously humbled before Him.  Our Father will unveil His marvelous will for our lives as we trust Him and walk with Him day by day and plan for our futures.  


  1. In this place of submission unto God and all His will, the believer is afforded grace as long as he is humbly dependent on the Lord for victory. We have the responsibility to resist the devil, confess and forsake sin, seek intimate fellowship with God, focus our hearts and minds singularly on the Lord and His will, and get real serious regarding our attitude towards sin. When the believer does this God promises to give grace, the devil will run away in defeat, and we will be lifted up by God’s power.


    #Plans #Warfare #Spiritual #Resist #Judge #MaxEvangel #Fight

  2. In this place of submission unto God and all His will, the believer is afforded grace as long as he is humbly dependent on the Lord for victory. We have the responsibility to resist the devil, confess and forsake sin, seek intimate fellowship with God, focus our hearts and minds singularly on the Lord and His will, and get real serious regarding our attitude towards sin. When the believer does this God promises to give grace, the devil will run away in defeat, and we will be lifted up by God’s power.


    #Plans #Warfare #Spiritual #Resist #Judge #MaxEvangel #Fight

  3. The primary means of defeating all of these formidable enemies is submission to God. Instead of fleshly desires of lust, we submit our desires to His. Instead of loving the world and its things, we choose to love God supremely. Instead of falling for another of the devil’s lies we respect the truth and walk in it. Submission is choosing a position under the authority of God. This will defeat the enemies of our souls.


    #Plans #Warfare #Spiritual #Resist #Judge #MaxEvangel #Fight


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