Saturday, February 7, 2015

Can I Trust My Bible?

 PSALM. 12:6; 19:7

Psalm 12:6, The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Psalm 19:7, The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.                                                                        

SUBJECT: The Credibility Of The Bible
THEME: today we will learn that the inspired books of the Bible are completely reliable and credible.  We will also endeavor to set forth the Bible’s credentials by other well-known established facts.  In doing this, we will avoid circular reasoning, that is using the Bible to prove the Bible’s accuracy.  Instead we will construct empirical (experimental or observable) evidences which further support the biblical truth of inerrancy by using external proofs.
RELEVANCY: many times our arguments from the Scriptures are discounted by skeptics and unbelievers because they reject the authority and accuracy of the Bible. How then can we convince a “doubter” that the Bible is indeed a credible source of information?  If we grasp this lesson well, we will have the ammunition we need to answer the skeptics and prayerfully win them to our Lord Jesus Christ eventually.

1) The Revelation in the Bible Is Accurate (John 17:17), Progressive (Heb. 1:1), and Purposeful (2 Tim. 3:15-17).  The root problem with liberals and skeptics is their failure or refusal to believe the Bible. No man who has humble, unwavering faith in the Bible is a liberal!

Why do we believe the world was created in six literal days? Or that Jonah was swallowed by a great fish prepared by God?  Or why do we accept the teachings that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and walked on water and rose from the dead the third day?  Why? Simply because the Bible plainly teaches this! The Bible destroys liberalism and liberalism seeks to destroy the Bible.

2) Scripture Should Be Taken For What it Says.
Primarily, two approaches exist as to the credibility of the scriptural revelation.  One Camp (Fideists) insists that “the Scripture and the revelation it contains is self-authenticating, or that they validate themselves” (that is, autopistic). Of course we believe in the infallibility and the inspiration of the Scripture.  In addition to these, the Holy Spirit Himself accredits the Word by placing His endorsement upon it. This should be enough for any Christian, simply the fact that God said it in the Bible ought to be enough to settle any issue in life. (Ryrie)  

This is clearly the position the Lord Jesus took, in that He never questioned the Bibles content, claims, and statements.  Remember it was Jesus who said, “If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;” (John 10:35). Our Lord also said on a different occasion that,
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).

3) Scripture’s Claims Should Be Supported By Various Evidences.
Then there are those (Empiricists), on the other hand, who stress the natural (intrinsic) credibility of the Bible as being worthy of belief, (that is, axiopistic). “The Bible's claim to authority is not in itself proof of its authority; rather there exist factual, historical evidences which constitute the Bible's credentials and validate the truth of its message.” (Ryrie) 

         a) This Is Not an Approach of Unbelief Necessarily, but Rather a Position That Seeks to Prove What the Bible Claims. This kind of insight can be incredibly valuable when dealing with skeptics and those who generally discount the Bible’s message.  They can be won over by proving how the Bible’s message is verified in nature, real science, history, and by experience. 

ILLUSTRATION: The Apostle Paul used this basic approach while on Mars Hill in Acts 17:22-34, to witness and reveal the UNKNOWN GOD to pagans and skeptics. Paul used General Revelation that which all men have as common ground. His basic argument is from Creation, Geography, and Science.

         b) I Personally Believe That There Is Truth in Both These Approaches So That Both Can and Should Be Used Especially With Critics.  Therefore, we will look to both methods today as we examine the credibility of the Bible. Why? Because of a Biblical mandate:  1 Peter 3:15, clearly states, "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:".

God in His great wisdom requires that the Christian be able to skillfully defend the Faith when questioned or even discounted because of an apparent lack of credence.

4) The Reliability of the Bible’s Content Is Assured by the Lord!
Psalm 12:6, The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Psalm 19:7, The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

       a) It Is Commonly Held That the Bible Is Full of Historical Errors, Scientific Impossibilities, and Misstatements. Let us understand that there are many things in the Bible about which we need fuller light; but let us also state confidently that the Bible is accurate and reliable. Over and over again, what seems to be discrepancies are cleared away after careful and prayerful investigation. Psalm 119:160, states, "Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever."
       b) There Is Not One Single Proven Inaccuracy in the Whole Bible. The Bible is accurate historically, geographically, genealogically, scientifically, psychologically, typologically and verbally.

       c) Bible-believing Baptists Approach Doctrine from the "First Truth" That the Bible Is Truth.  Jesus said “thy word is Truth” (Jn. 17:17).  Many unbelievers; however, will not accept this premise, so it becomes necessary to actually prove the Bible for what it claims to be. (R. Sargent)

THE QUESTION IS: "Is the Bible Narrative Trustworthy?"
THE TEST IS:  Compare Bible Statements with Known Facts.



Not one archaeological find disproves accounts in the Bible and many confirm the historical accuracy of the Bible.  This significant area has continued to prove the Bible’s accuracy!

Many of the attacks on the accuracy of the Bible occurred prior to modern archaeology. However, beginning with major excavations in the Holy Land in the mid-1800s, archaeological evidence has confirmed the Bible's historical accuracy time and time again.   As travel became easier and scholars more curious, archaeologists began to peel away the earth's surface to reveal ancient cities, painted tombs, solid gold likenesses of rulers, jars, money and items needed for the afterlife, tablets of stone and clay telling the story of a people or a city, and so on. As these artifacts piled up, references to biblical places and people surfaced. In a number of cases, people or places which skeptics had written off as fanciful mistakes in the Bible were instead confirmed as authentic. In fact, many things that eighteenth-and nineteenth-century scholars questioned have now been verified as factual, such as cities and things in those cities, rulers, and important people.  Perhaps the greatest of the external proofs of the trustworthiness of the Biblical narrative are derived from the archaeologist's spade. (Anders)


    1. King Belshazzar (Dan. 5): Belshazzar, named in the book of Daniel as the last king of Babylon, was nowhere to be found in Babylonian records: all known Babylonian records listed Nabonidus as the last king. Then, archaeological records revealed that Nabonidus left Babylon for ten years and went to Arabia. In his absence, his son Belshazzar ruled as king in his place during the time of Daniel. In this way, archaeology explained the apparent discrepancy between the biblical record and the previous Babylonian record (Paul Little, Know Why You Believe 95).

     2. Sanballat (Neh. 2:19; 4:1):  Clifford Wilson, a committed Christian and retired archaeologist at the University of Sydney in Australia, tells of evidence of a man named Sanballat, found during the time of Alexander the Great (356 – 389 BC). A man named Sanballat is also found in the book of Nehemiah, before Alexander the Great’s time. Critics often cited this as proof of historical error in the Bible. But then it was discovered that there were three Sanballats, and that one of them lived during the time of Nehemiah. The Bible was right after all (“The Bible: Fable, Fraud or Fact,” Coral Ridge Video Ministry, January 4, 1994).


William F. Albright, recognized throughout the world as a leading Palestinian archaeologist, attests that there is little doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historical accuracy of Old Testament tradition.

    1. King Solomon’s Extravagant Wealth.
For example, higher critics of Scripture doubted the Bible’s description of King Solomon’s wealth. But archaeologist Henry Breasted, between 1925 and 1934, unearthed the remains of one of Solomon’s “chariot cities” at Megiddo in northern Palestine (2 Chron 1:14; 2 Chron 8:6; 2 Chron 9:25). Mr. Breasted found stables capable of holding more than four hundred horses and the remains of barracks for Solomon’s chariot battalions which were stationed to guard a strategic trail that ran through Megiddo.

Nelson Glueck, another archaeologist, found the remains of a huge refining factory for copper and iron, two metals Solomon used when bartering for gold, silver, and ivory (see 1 Kin. 9:28; 10:22).

     2.  The Existence of the Hittite Clan.
Critics of Scripture also doubted the existence of the Hittites (Gen. 15:20, Jos. 1:4) a people the Bible refers to some forty-eight times. Archaeologist Hugh Winckler excavated the Hittite capital of Boghaz-Koi and recovered thousands of Hittite texts, as well as the famous Hittite code.

Other examples of how archaeology confirms the authority of the Bible could fill several dozen books. Archaeology helps us see clearly that our Christian faith rests on facts (actual events) not mere myths or stories.

     3.  Statement From Archaeologist Nelson Glueck.
More than a century of biblical excavations at over 25,000 sites have repeatedly confirmed the accuracy of the Bible.   After working in the field for many years, noted archaeologist Nelson Glueck said, “It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted (contradicted) a biblical reference” (quoted in Josh McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict 1:65).


Archaeological discoveries of contemporary societies have given much supportive evidence to Biblical events, the order of events, and the circumstances involved.

The Gospel of Luke has often been attacked for historical inaccuracies, especially relating to the birth of Christ. Discoveries have now shown the Romans had regular censuses every 14 years, that Quirinius (Cyrenius) was the Governor of Syria at around 7 B.C. (Luke 2:1-3) and that Roman procedures for conducting a census (outlined on a papyrus document discovered in Egypt) required the return of people to their homelands. (R. Sargent)


Topography has to do with the layout of the land. It is evident Bible localities are where the Bible says they were; times taken for journeys were feasible.

     1.  The Five Cities of Gen. 14.  (Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, Bela)
The discovery of the Ebla Tablets in the 1970's relate to a kingdom existing around 2,300 B.C. One tablet actually lists the 5 cities mentioned in Genesis 14:2 in the Biblical order! Until then, the existence of these cities was doubted by Higher Critics. (R. Sargent)

      2. The Plain of Jezreel.
Any visitor to the Holy Land will find desert where the Bible says there is desert, mountains where the Bible says there are mountains, etc.

The Plain of Jezreel (which figures in Bible prophecy and the coming Battle of Armageddon) actually exists, and is a plain, which forms a strategic passage from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan valley without having to cross mountains.

To be completely candid, we must assess what all this means. By itself, this does not mean that the Bible is the word of God. It does mean that the Bible has never been proven wrong on any point of history or geography.
However, the historical-geographical test must be passed if we are to conclude that the Bible is the word of God. Mistakes in the record would cause us to doubt the Bible as the word of God. Since there are no mistakes in it, it passes the historical-geographical test and allows us, on that ground, to conclude that it is the word of God. Whether or not we decide it is the word of God is ultimately a matter of faith, but we would not be able to make that conclusion if we found the Bible riddled with error.  Thank God it is not!


Today we have reaffirmed that the inspired books of the Bible are completely reliable and credible. We have also set forth the Bible’s credentials by means of archaeology.  In doing this, we have avoided circular reasoning, that is using the Bible to prove the Bible’s accuracy.  Instead we have begun constructing empirical (experimental or observable) evidences which further support the biblical truth of inerrancy and trustworthiness.
Many times our arguments from the scriptures are discounted by liberals, skeptics, and unbelievers because they reject the authority and accuracy of the Bible. By using external proofs we can perhaps convince the “doubters” that the Bible is indeed a credible source of information. In any event the Spirit of God must be free to work powerfully in the heart of men. If we have rightly grasped this lesson, we now have some ammunition to answer the skeptics and prayerfully win them to Christ eventually. Now, seek to give an answer to every man concerning your confidence in the Scriptures.                     

Psalm 12:6, The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Psalm 19:7, The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

The weight of this argument could enable a person to believe that the Bible is the Word of God. It takes a mind gravely prejudiced against the supernatural not to agree that the evidence for the Bible being the Word of God is strong indeed. So to the question: Can I Trust My Bible? The answer is absolutely!


  1. More than a century of biblical excavations at over 25,000 sites have repeatedly confirmed the accuracy of the Bible. After working in the field for many years, noted archaeologist Nelson Glueck said, “It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted (contradicted) a biblical reference” (quoted in Josh McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict 1:65).

    #Faith #Reliable #Scripture #Evidence #Credible #Bible #Truth #WordofGod #Doctrine #MaxEvangel #Inspiration

  2. More than a century of biblical excavations at over 25,000 sites have repeatedly confirmed the accuracy of the Bible. After working in the field for many years, noted archaeologist Nelson Glueck said, “It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted (contradicted) a biblical reference” (quoted in Josh McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict 1:65).

    #Faith #Reliable #Scripture #Evidence #Credible #Bible #Truth #WordofGod #Doctrine #MaxEvangel #Inspiration

  3. Many times our arguments from the scriptures are discounted by liberals, skeptics, and unbelievers because they reject the authority and accuracy of the Bible. By using external proofs we can perhaps convince the “doubters” that the Bible is indeed a credible source of information. In any event the Spirit of God must be free to work powerfully in the heart of men.

    #Faith #Reliable #Scripture #Evidence #Credible #Bible #Truth #WordofGod #Doctrine #MaxEvangel #Inspiration


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