Saturday, July 4, 2020

The First Leg of the Race

TEXT: JOHN 20:19-23


THEME: God extends to each of us the grand privilege of co-laboring together with him in worldwide missions—the ministry of reconciliation. The four Characters of this passage represent the four legs of the world missions’ relay race, and we will consider their labors through the course of human history on into the future.


1.  Mission is the work of God, and it began in the Garden of Eden after Adam’s fall into sin. That is correct, missions did not began merely 2 thousand years ago with the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. It began with the entire Godhead as the Father leads.

2.  Now let us consider ourselves in a “Missions Relay Race” with four Participants. John chapter 20 give us another Great Commission passage, and in this instance the entire Godhead is mentioned in relation to Christ’s church. Of course all of this is in the context of advancing and continuing the ministry and mission of God in the world. The four Participants are found in verse 21, “Father,” “Me,” “You” and in verse 22, “Holy Ghost.” Each participant represents another part of missions’ history on into missions’ future. Each time the baton is passed from one participant to the next, we enter another leg of missions.


THE FIRST LEG OF MISSIONS: JOHN 20:21 “Father” (Jn. 5:17)


John 5:17, But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

According to John 20:21, The Lord Jesus is unmistakably the Son of God sent by Father God—God’s sent One. Jesus is operating in full harmony with the Father’s will and goals, and here as the sent One he commissions his disciples/apostles and sends them into the world to evangelize.

Up to the point when the Son starts His public ministry, the Father is busy preparing, situating, designing, and sovereignly bringing about his great purpose of redemption. Jesus says, “My Father worketh hitherto….” He is organizing and providentially guiding history on a course that provides salvation to humanity—preparation. This is the labor of the Father; His incredible contributions to the plan of reconciliation.

So then, since The FALL in the Garden of Eden, God has been busy about the Ministry of Reconciliation. Christ Jesus executed the critical role of presenting himself as the supreme sacrifice for our sins. And as we preach the gospel we engage in this Ministry of Reconciliation. This statement presupposes several thoughts.

       A.  THE FATHER PREPARED A PLAN (Gen. 3:1-24)

If humanity is to be reconciled to God, it presupposes that the human race had a relationship with God previously. Generally, in principle you can’t restore or reunite total strangers or two that have never been united! Humanity cherished a relationship and fellowship with God in the person of Adam (we were all in Adam). Adam is not only a literal person, but he is both the Federal and Seminal head of the human race. That is, he represented all humanity officially, and we all are biologically connected to him. Humanity’s treasured relationship to the Almighty Creator was changed and this incredible fellowship with Him was severed by SIN when Adam rebelled in the Garden (Gen. 3). Ever since that Fall, we are all born in sin and separated from God. The spiritual connection between God and fallen humanity is utterly shattered and dashed to a trillion pieces. Hence our need to be reconciled; a reconciliation we cannot effectuate ourselves…it depends entirely upon the Lord God’s initiative. Let’s take a look at his great plan.

                 1. The Father’s Plan of Salvation: The Picture of the Salvation (Gen. 3:21)

Genesis 3:21, Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them. 

Because of Adam and Eve’s sin, God sprung into decisive action providing a covering for them. This primitive form of atonement involved sacrifice of life—death and bloodshed. When God provided “coats or skins” it prefigure how he would ultimately provide atonement and covering for fallen humanity through a substitute and representative. In essence we have the Gospel and the Father’s plan of Redemption—Reconciliation—in embryonic form:

                         a. The Plan Involves the Grace of God

                         b. The Plan Involves the Shedding of Blood

                         c. The Plan Involves a Covering by Righteousness

                         d. The Plan Involves a Substitutionary Sacrifice (innocent blood)

                         e. The Plan Involves Acceptance of God’s Salvation by Faith

These same principles of salvation are brought to their fullest expression in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this incredible passage the Father foreshadowed them brilliantly!

                 2. The Father’s Plans for a Savior: The Promise of the Savior (Gen. 3: 15)

Genesis 3:15, And I [God] will put enmity between thee [Satan] and the woman [Eve/Mary], and between thy seed and her seed [Jesus]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou [Satan] shalt bruise his heel.

The Protevangelium is declared first by the Father! Though Adam and Eve along with all humanity will suffer greatly under sin’s curse, enslavement and the brutality of Satan, the Father declares the good news that Satan and sin will ultimately be defeated by the “Seed of the woman,” which is the earliest reference to the Lord Jesus in the role of Savior/Deliverer. Again, this portrays God coming to our rescue. Note in detail what is given in Genesis 3:15:

                        a. Satan is exposed as the Enemy of the Human Race

                        b. The Savior will be Virgin Born into the Human Race    

                        c. The Savior will be Victorious over Satan and Sin

                        d. The Savior will die a Vicarious Death by means of Crucifixion

Furthermore, we are informed by the Apostle Peter how the eternal Godhead planned for humanity’s reconciliation before the creation of the universe.

First Peter 1:18-20, Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; 19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, (Rev. 13:8; Tit. 1:2-3; 2Tim. 1:9-10; Eph. 3:11)

No, the matter of our reconciliation is not piecemeal, disjointed, willy-nilly, random, or haphazard. It is the very plan of God being pictured, forecasted, and prefigured in such passages. A plan that would unfold over several millennia, but a fully intact strategy with specific outcomes in view—reconciliation to God. What love and grace it must involve to devise such an elaborate and extraordinary plan. Another observation here is irresistible…. God does not merely react to developments; he is a planner, designer, strategists, and manager. Understanding what would happen in the future, he proactively devised an incredible plan for reconciliation. Thus, before there was a world, God had a well thought out plan as to how he will redeem fallen humanity.

       B.  THE FATHER PREPARED A PEOPLE (Gen. 12:1-3)

Genesis 12:1-3,  Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:  2,  And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:  3,  And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

God in his wisdom and grace selected and used the Nation of Israel to provide to the world the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. This was a tremendous and arduous undertaking to be certain!

                  1.  God Prepared a Man: He Called Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Gen. 26:1-5; 28:12-15)

                  2.  God Prepared a Nation: He Choose the Nation of Israel/Jacob (Numb. 24:17)  

                  3.  God Prepared a Tribe: He Choose the Tribe of Judah (Gen. 49: 8-10; Lk. 3:33)

                  4.  God Prepared a Family: He Choose the Family Line of David (Isa. 9:7; Lk. 1:32, 33)

                           a. Through David’s son Solomon—Joseph—Foster Father of our Lord Jesus

                           b. Through David’s son Nathan—Mary—Virgin Mother of our Lord Jesus

                 5.  God Prepared His Son:  He Sent His Son into the World (Jn. 20:21; 3:16, 17)

The unique role of the Jewish Nation in God redemptive plan cannot be overstated. All the families of the earth will be blessed by the Seed of Abraham! All of the toil and challenges and struggles with the Nation of Israel to keep them distinct and devoted to Him is a part of the Father’s plan to supply the only hope of salvation the world will ever know. Through the lives, history, struggles, documents, Scriptures and covenants, the Savior’s entrance into the world would not be strange and unanticipated. Through the nation a stage was being set for the Savior to step out on and provide our redemption. How thankful I am to the Father and the Jewish Nation for giving the world the Lord Jesus Messiah.

       C.  THE FATHER PREPARED A PERSON (Jesus Christ, the Son of God)

Hebrews 10:5-7, Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:  6, In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure.  7, Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

This is typically what we celebrate at Christmas season, the incarnation of the Son of God. The birth of the Messiah…the coming of the Savior, Lord, and new born King! Through the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit, Mary conceived and the Lord or Glory was placed on earth inside the body of a young virgin name Mary. Yes, the seed of the woman is Jesus and the woman is Mary. As the Scriptures predicted, so our Lord comes to execute the very will and plan of the Father voluntarily. Ultimately, all of the Old Testament animal sacrifices pointed to one singular Sacrifice—the death of Christ at Calvary for all sinners everywhere. The Father sent the Son to be Prophet, Priest, and Potentate:

                 1. This Person is to be The Prophet: He will Proclaim God and the Message of God to the People

                 2.  This Person is to be The Priest: He will Mediate between God and the People and even become the Sacrifice for the People’s Sin                                                            

                 3.  This Person is to be The Potentate: He will Reign as God over the People

This will be developed more fully in the next article in this series. Clearly the Father is a designer, strategic planner and project manager. Throughout his leg of the race we witness extraordinary wisdom, power, grace, love, patience, determination, and hope. The Father is not putting forth a token effort, nor is he casual about worldwide evangelism. He cares deeply and has sacrificed greatly that we sinners might be reconciled to him. All of this preparation and labor is for our benefit and reconciliation to him. 

Listen, preparation is never a waste of time and resources in a worthy cause. Preparation for service to God is still a praiseworthy endeavor. Invest the time, energy and effort to be excellent in your ministry for Christ’s glory. Secondly, anything worth doing is worth doing with your entire being. Throw yourself into service to Christ and the ministry of evangelism because the impact is eternal. It is worth the time and effort to present sinners with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thirdly, give in support of world missions endeavors as one who fully realize you are entering into a grand privilege of co-laboring together with the Almighty. Set aside resources to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the greatest work on earth—reconciling lost humanity to the Lord God Almighty. Fourthly, trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior for the forgiveness of sins and to be reconciled to God. It is not through religion, rituals, human relationships, or our performance that we are saved. No, God saves us by his grace through faith purely motivated by his great love for us. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins, was buried, and arose from the dead the third day as the Scriptures said he would. That is correct, Jesus Christ is the Son of God and living Savior who triumphed over death, hell, sin, and the grave! Like me, you are guilty of more sins than you can count…you need the Lord…just like me. We all have sinned...we all have lied, stolen, cheated, and put other things before God. Admit to God your sinfulness and ask him for forgiveness. I did this, and God forgave me. He will forgive you also. Turn to Jesus in faith for forgiveness of your sin today. There is no reason to put this decision off any longer. Trust the Lord Jesus Christ.

Since the Son has been born into the world and his mission defined, the Father God now passes the baton to the Son of God. Yes, the Father ran his portion of the race with power, wisdom, determination, zeal, grace, and focus; now he passes the baton to his darling Son. Mid-stride as Jesus takes the baton we enter the second leg of missions.

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