Service Training Program

Hello, my name is Wayne McCray,
Thank you for this opportunity to introduce the Service Training Program!  It was late 2003, while pastoring the Berean Baptist Church in Ansbach, Germany, when I realized the workers of our church required more training for their teaching ministries. The church also needed a renewed vision and a fresh sense of purpose.  Accordingly, God impressed me to formally train the teachers and Christian workers on a quarterly basis. As a result the Teachers and Workers Quarterly Training ministry was born. My aim was to increase our volunteers’ knowledge, skills, ministry vision, motivation, and effectiveness. I developed the program as I perceived the needs, and there were some noticeable improvements in workers performance and enthusiasm.
Since those days I have improved and focused the training on four basic areas: discipleship ministry development, teachers training, personal evangelism, and personal Bible study. These now comprise the Service Training Program (STP), which is an equipping ministry to English speaking Baptist churches here in the USA and Europe.  My primary goal is to assist pastors in their workers training programs by equipping God’s servants for their local church ministries. Our vision is to change the ministry course of Christian workers who will have a great impact for Christ upon this world. What ministry could not use more skilled workers? What Baptist church would not want a ‘pipeline’ of prepared servants to man their ministries?
 Perhaps you have wondered, “Why train all teachers and workers who communicate the Bible?  What is the purpose of the Service Training Program?  These are good questions and you can find the answers throughout the Word of God.  However, let us consider Ephesians 4:12, which say, “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”  The Apostle Paul informs us that the gifted and trained leadership of a church is to prepare and equip the church body for ministry. The word “perfecting” (Eph. 4:12) means “a making fit, preparing, training, equipping, making fully qualified for service.” Thus our purpose is to train Christian servants for the ministry the Lord has placed them in as they serve Him through their local church. What a wonderful opportunity!
There are four basic objectives of our training courses.  We hope to:
·        Strengthen the Christian spiritually—positively influence their personal growth in Christ
·        Prepare the Christian ministerially—increase their knowledge and develop their service skills
·        Motivate the Christian internally—fashion in them a servant’s heart yielded to the Holy Spirit
·        Direct the Christian purposefully—focus them on divine goals as they serve
You see, by the grace of God, we will invest spiritual resources into your workers as servants of Jehovah.  We do this under the administration of the Holy Spirit trusting Christ to use them mightily in the ministry of communicating His truth to others. These basic goals can be achieved as we use the Word of God skillfully following what I call the Four-fold Model for Ministry Preparation. We will provide:
·        Practical Bible Knowledge and Instructions—1Tim. 4:6
·        Motivational Stimulation that is Spiritual in Nature—Ezra 7:10, 25
·        A Model of the Objective of Developing Others—2Tim. 2:2
·        Further Emphasis on Preparedness—Tit. 1:9; Matt. 13:52
I do all of the instruction myself with PowerPoint presentations or by a highly interactive training format. I can also provide handouts of the lectures and lessons if desired. Please encourage your workers to be there for training. The training clinics can be conducted on Saturday mornings annually, biannually, or on a quarterly basis. I could also provide training on a Friday evening and Saturday morning to cover more material. Coming on a Sunday afternoon or evening during the Spring and Summer months to train the teachers is yet another option. There is the possibility of conducting some training on a Saturday and Sunday, but this may be challenging for your workers.
A training clinic appointment usually consists of three or four 45 minutes training sessions on Saturdays. On Sundays we offer two 45 minutes training sessions. We could work out the details if you believe a different option for presentation times would work well for you and your workers. Again there are four areas of training we currently provide; discipleship ministry development, teachers training, personal evangelism, and personal Bible study.
With regard to remuneration and love offerings, please allow the Lord to lead you. It will be a pure honor to serve you and your workers; however, please consider covering the cost for travel and expenses relative to the training clinic. If you are interested or require more information please contact me at 703-819-9747 or at   
May our Lord Jesus receive maximum glory through your life and ministry because you and your people prepared well for the high and glorious task of service to Him. Thank you for all you do for the glory of God and our great Savior Jesus Christ.

Wayne L. McCray
Missionary Evangelist and Training Instructor


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